
CITROSODINA ® Sodium bicarbonate

CITROSODINA ® is a sodium bicarbonate drug.


IndicationsAction mechanismStudies and clinical effectiveness Usage and dosage instructionsWarnings Pregnancy and lactationInteractionsContraindicationsUndesirable effects

Indications CITROSODINA ® Sodium bicarbonate

CITROSODINA ® is indicated in the treatment of heartburn and pain symptoms associated with the condition of gastric hyperacidity.

Mechanism of action CITROSODINA ® Sodium bicarbonate

The therapeutic action of CITROSODINA ® is due to the presence of sodium bicarbonate, salt with basic digestion, effective in buffering gastric acidity.

Compared to other antacids sodium bicarbonate, is able to guarantee an immediate antacid effect, thanks to the ability to bind hydrogenions in the gastric environment, freeing water, sodium and carbon dioxide, but is not indicated in the "chronic" and prolonged treatment of stomach acid.

This important limitation is due to the formation of products, such as sodium chloride, which, following prolonged intake over time and the relative systemic absorption, can determine an increased reabsorption of water, with a consequent increase in plasma volume (among the possible risk factors for hypertension), and CO2, which dilates the gastric wall, may contribute to the onset of reactive acidosis, through the induction of gastric secretion.

The high buffering power, the rapidity of action and the potential associated side effects make CITROSODINA ® a useful remedy for acute and isolated episodes of stomach acid.

Studies carried out and clinical efficacy


Oral sodium bicarbonate supplementation has proven to be useful in reducing the progression of renal pathology by preserving the nutritional status of patients, recording a maintenance of creatinine clearance, arm muscle mass, serum albumin and other important markers clinicians.


One of the most common complications affecting diabetic patients is acidosis, which among the many side effects also seems to further reduce the sensitivity of tissues to insulin. This study experimented with the ability of oral sodium bicarbonate to improve glucose metabolism, without however registering any positive effect, monitored through HOMA TEST.


Although the scientific literature is rich in studies concerning the effectiveness of sodium bicarbonate in improving athletic performance, an open debate still exists on the issue. Different studies support efficacy, while recent evidence suggests that the buffering effect occurs above all at the gastric level, and that oral ingestion of this salt is not able to improve tissue acidosis.

Method of use and dosage

CITROSODINA ® effervescent granulate with 16.41 grams of sodium bicarbonate and 13.95 grams of citric acid monohydrate every 100 gr, sachets of 1.64 gr of sodium bicarbonate and 1, 395 of citric acid monohydrate, tablets of sodium citrate 250 mg:

for the treatment of sporadic episodes of gastric acidity it is recommended to take 2 tablespoons of effervescent granules, 1 sachet or 4 tablets 3-4 times a day. The use of this drug is indicated in the treatment for short periods.

Warnings CITROSODINA ® Sodium bicarbonate

Despite CITROSODINA ® being devoid of any particular side effects, it is worth remembering that the presence of sodium salts could be poorly indicated in patients suffering from severe renal insufficiency, marked hypertension, or individuals undergoing a low-sodium diet. In these cases the intake of CITROSODINA ® should be carefully monitored by your doctor.

The presence of sucrose in the medicinal product could be responsible for gastro-intestinal side effects in patients suffering from glucose / galactose intolerance, fructose or suffering from isomaltase enzyme deficiency.

CITROSODINA ® does not alter the normal ability to drive vehicles or use machinery.


CITROSODINA ® was not toxic at therapeutic doses, when taken during pregnancy, neither for the mother nor for the unborn child. Nevertheless it would be advisable to consult your doctor before taking this drug during pregnancy or during breastfeeding.


Pharmacokinetic studies show that antacids can inhibit the absorption of many other active ingredients, significantly reducing both their bioavailability and therapeutic efficacy.

In this regard, it is advisable not to take any type of medication within the first two hours after taking CITROSODINA ®

Contraindications CITROSODINA ® Sodium bicarbonate

CITROSODINA ® is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to one of its components, severe hypertension, heart failure and severe renal failure.

Undesirable effects - Side effects

CITROSODINA ® is very well tolerated, so much so that the literature does not show any type of side effect if taken at the doses and in the manner prescribed and indicated by the doctor.

An increase in sodium absorption with a consequent increase in plasma volume could occur in hypertensive patients, with a worsening of the disease, or following prolonged use of this medicine.


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