
What are the most painful areas to tattoo?

The pain that is experienced during the execution of a tattoo is very subjective: some people can hardly tolerate it, others only perceive a slight discomfort. Much depends on the experience of the tattoo artist and the technique used to make the tattoo. The feeling of pain is also affected by the size of the drawing (the smaller it is, the less it will hurt) and the degree of processing of the same (if the work requires several hours of work, it will be more difficult to tolerate).

A question of anatomy

Another aspect not to be underestimated is the area in which it is decided to engrave the design. Some parts of the body, in fact, are rich in nerve endings, so the perceived pain is higher than others and should be treated with extreme delicacy.

Knees, elbows and ankles are among the areas where it hurts to do a tattoo . Very sensitive parts are certainly the skull, the neck, the ribs, the spine and the area around the nipples. The armpits, inner thighs, groin and feet are also very painful.

The less painful areas to get a tattoo

Performing a tattoo is less painful in those areas where there are more rigid muscles, such as the outside of the biceps and the upper forearm. The discomfort is tolerable even at the level of the thighs, shoulder blades, pectorals and abdominals.