
Depilation of Groin by G. Bertelli


Groin hair removal is a practice that allows you to deal with the problem of unwanted hair in your private parts .

The methods available are different and range from razors to depilatory creams, to alternatives represented by waxing and the electric epilator .

Groin hair removal can be performed comfortably at home, in certified beauty salons or in dermatological clinics.

Although the "do it yourself" is more convenient and economical, it is advisable to contact your dermatologist, in order to avoid any side effects and choose the most suitable method for groin depilation, based on the characteristics of the hair and skin.

It should also be remembered that the bikini area is a very sensitive part of our body: being so delicate, it needs some extra care, in terms of both preparation and depilation.

What's this

Groin hair removal allows the removal of superfluous pubic hair in a more or less lasting way.

More precisely, with the DEPILATION the apical portion of the hair is eliminated. Unlike EPILATION - which removes the hair in its entirety, including the hair bulb - the "vital" part that remains in the skin is not affected in any way, therefore the regrowth occurs after 2-7 days .

Groin hair removal is a widespread practice, which continues to increase even among men.

Peli: some information to get to know them better

  • The hairs are spread over the entire body surface, with the exception of the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, free margin of the lips and some areas of the genital area. Their characteristics (number, shape, length and type) may vary from person to person.
  • From the anatomical point of view, in the hair there are two main parts: stem (evident on the outside of the skin plane) and root (contained in the hair follicle at the level of the epidermis). In the deepest part, the follicle swells to form the hair bulb, containing, in turn, the dermal papilla ; the latter structure consists of a group of cells in active proliferation which give rise to the hair (matrix).
  • The hair is not produced continuously by the follicle, but follows a life cycle in which periods of activity alternate with those of rest: anagen (growth), catagen (transition) and telogen (rest).

Groin hair removal: what is the function of pubic hair?

Near the private parts, the hair helps to keep the skin temperature stable ( thermoregulation ).

The hairs present at the level of the groin protect the sensitive skin from external aggressions and create a barrier, trapping bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms, which can access the genitals .

Not to be underestimated, then, is the importance they have with regard to the sexual sphere .

In particular:

  • The appearance of pubic hair indicates the achievement of sexual maturity during puberty ;
  • The presence of hair in the groin helps reduce friction during sexual relations, forming a sort of protective " cushion" for this delicate part of our body.

How to do it

Groin hair removal involves an initial preparation, which consists of the cleansing and exfoliation of the skin from any impurities and dead cells . This allows the removal of dirt residues or any substance that may influence the treatment outcome. In other words, the area to be depilated must be clean and dry .

What is exfoliation?

Exfoliation means the removal of dead skin cells. This operation frees a layer of new skin on the surface and allows the hair to grow back in the right direction. Ideally, exfoliation should be performed about 2 days before groin hair removal. Clearly, given the sensitivity of the area, it is necessary to use very delicate products.

The time it takes to depilate excess groin hair varies from 15 to 20 minutes . Depending on habits and the degree of resistance to pain, one can choose between different methods of depilation of intimate areas.

Groin hair removal: methods

The groin hair removal methods eliminate the superficial part of the hair, not influencing the "vitality", as they do not intervene on the hair bulb that remains in the skin.

  • RAZOR: it is one of the most widespread methods for groin hair removal. Simply, a blade cuts the hair flush with the skin. The razor models for groin hair removal have some differences with the male ones: the blades are less "aggressive" (usually, they are less sharp than the shaving razor and have lubricating or soothing strips to prevent irritation); the head is articulated to arrive at every point. Many people opt for this solution as it is fast and painless compared to other groin hair removal methods. Of course, with the razor, unwanted hair is only cut and not torn together with the bulb, so it will later grow back harder and stronger, in less time (2-3 days). For safer hair removal, you can opt for an electric shaver designed specifically for the groin area.
  • DEPILATORY CREAM : it is an alternative method to shaving for groin hair removal. Given its very compact consistency, the cream can be applied with precision. In practice, take a small amount of product from the tube and pass it over the groin, which was previously well cleansed and dry. Once the laying time has elapsed, which usually varies from three to eight minutes, rinse thoroughly using the spatula or sponge provided in the package. The depilatory cream contains substances, such as thioglycolic acid, which act "chemically" attacking keratin, the main component of the hair, causing it to fall. This system does not in the least affect the part that remains in the skin, much less the hair bulb. The hair, therefore, grows back after a few days. The effects are longer lasting than those of the razor: the hair grows back after about a week, but it is better not to immediately reuse this groin hair removal method to avoid stressing the skin. Containing chemicals that can irritate the most sensitive skin, the depilatory cream should be intended for small areas, far from the mucous membranes of the genitals.

Alternatives to hair removal

Unlike classic groin depilation techniques, epilation not only eliminates the superficial part of the hair, visible above the epidermis, but extracts the hair bulb.

  • HOT RIM : it is composed of resins that melt with the heat of a stove. The waxing is spread on the skin, then apply on the appropriate strips, which are removed with a tear against the hair, clean and fast. If the procedure is well performed, the hair is removed from the root and needs more time to regrow (about 3 weeks).
  • EPILATORY STRIPS : the wax is ready for use and placed on strips, which must be well adhered to the skin, then tears in the opposite direction to the growth of the hair. Also in this case, if the procedure is performed correctly, some roots are eradicated.
  • ELECTRIC EPILATOR : it is a device that can be used in various areas of the body, such as groin, legs, armpits, arms and face. In most cases, just select the lowest speed for the most sensitive parts; otherwise, models with specific heads are available. The electric epilator is the ideal solution, in particular, for those who want a lasting result, without resorting to waxing, and presents a sensitive skin that "fears" the razor blade.
  • LASER EPILATION : can be performed in certified beauty salons or in medical offices. Depending on the area to be treated, several sessions are required, scheduled monthly or bi-monthly. The technique allows the removal of unwanted hair from the groin for a long period of time. Thanks to specific wavelengths for the different types of skin, the laser emits a beam of light that selectively strikes the melanin contained in the dark colored hair on the light complexion, overheating the hair shaft and its root and denature the vital structures . Sitting after session, there is a progressive thinning and thinning of the hair and regrowth is strongly slowed down. This type of intervention is particularly recommended for people suffering from pathologies that can be exacerbated just by shredding continuously, including irritative folliculitis and pilonidal cysts.
  • PULSED LIGHT EPILATION : during treatment, a high intensity polychromatic light (IPL) turns into heat when it hits the melanin (the pigment that gives the dark color to the hair). In this way a strong temperature increase is generated which is transferred to the hair bulb, which undergoes degeneration. The principle of action is comparable to that of laser epilation, with the difference that the latter technology acts at unidirectional and monochromatic wavelengths. Epilation with pulsed light has a number of advantages: in addition to being painless, in fact, it favors a reduction in the quantity and diameter of the hairs, as well as a slow, if not inexistent, regrowth thanks to the elimination of the hair bulb.


Before groin hair removal: how to prepare the skin

  • At least a couple of days before groin hair removal, it is good to exfoliate the skin with specific products, such as a scrub . This operation removes the layer of dead cells and helps to prevent the formation of ingrown hairs . If the skin is very sensitive, opt for the gommage that is usually used for the face. Instead, avoid horsehair or loofah gloves that can scratch the skin.
  • Before depilating the area around the genitals, it is very important to make sure that the skin is always clean, dry and free of fatty substances, oily creams or alcohol-based products.

Groin hair removal: the choice of form

The choice of the form to give to the bikini area with groin hair removal is an important preliminary operation. It must be considered, in fact, that the appearance of the intimate parts can have repercussions on the perception of one's body . The groin depilated with a rectangle shape, for example, can give the impression of an increased volume, just as it can "break" the curves that naturally emerge near the intimate parts; a well defined triangle with groin hair removal tends to maintain, instead, the harmony of this area.

For this reason, before shaving the groin at home or at the beautician, it is good to define the shape you want to obtain. On the market, there are also special stencils to define the bikini area with original shapes, such as, for example, a heart or a star .

In any case, before proceeding with groin hair removal, it is ideal to define the area to be depilated with the shape that is considered most appropriate, trying to respect the symmetry and harmony of this area.

Pros and cons

Intimate hair removal: how to choose?

The choice of the method for depilating the intimate area depends fundamentally on the type of skin and on the goal to be achieved. Ultimately, to eliminate the hair of any body area, the fundamental aspect is to respect and take care of your body.

Benefits of groin hair removal

Groin hair removal allows you to have a smooth skin free of unwanted hair . This practice has a hygienic implication and allows an improvement of the aesthetic aspect.

Groin hair removal is fast and simple, suitable if you want to remove hair very precisely and without any pain.

The razor has the advantage of being a convenient and fast method. This solution is practical to use as a "last minute" remedy .

The application of the depilatory cream is also fast; the shutter speed can range from 3 to 10 minutes. To these, rinsing is added, which can be done comfortably under the shower jet . The pain associated with the depilatory cream is also practically nil.

Disadvantages of intimate hair removal

In general, groin hair removal should be avoided if the skin is very sensitive, delicate and thin . Another contraindication is the tendency to ingrown hairs, as infections could develop.

  • Razor
    • This groin hair removal method does not affect the hair follicle in any way: the hair tends to grow back after just a couple of days. This inconvenience increases the frequency of shaving.
    • The blade can irritate the skin which is particularly delicate in the bikini area, predisposing to the formation of pimples .
    • The hairs of the pubic area are very thick and, when the blade passes, are cut at the level of the stem. At regrowth, therefore, the hair is brighter and harder .
    • In some cases, inflammation of the skin may occur (for example, due to the penetration of bacteria by sliding the razor over the skin).
    • Do not go too deep to avoid cutting yourself in such delicate areas. In addition to increasing the risk of skin infections, micro-injuries caused by the razor can, in some cases, predispose to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
    • If the skin is not sufficiently hydrated and exfoliated, the hair, growing, may incarnate.
  • Depilatory cream
    • For use, it is always necessary to follow the instructions, especially regarding the shutter speed.
    • The cream can cause irritation and, if it is not spread to perfection, the result may not be perfect.
    • The smell of some formulations can be annoying.
    • In some cases, the groin hair removal cream can activate the immune system and trigger adverse reactions or allergies . For this reason, it is essential to perform the tolerability test (in the same way as other cosmetics, such as hair dye), especially when suffering from allergies, including respiratory or food.
  • "Tear" hair removal methods
    • The pain in the groin area is considerable. To limit discomfort, it is possible to concentrate on the speed of the tear: the faster it is, the less the suffering.
    • A certain manual skill is needed: for those who are beginners, it is better to resort to a professional to avoid burns and irritation .
    • Do-it-yourself should be avoided in the case of thin groin skin, as capillaries may be broken .
    • Application and tear are difficult on the concave parts, such as the groin fold.
    • In summer, do not expose yourself to the sun immediately after using epilating strips and waxing, without very high protection. The risk is that of finding yourself with a dark patch of hyper pigmentation .

In the following cases, groin hair removal should be performed only after consulting a doctor: eczema, wounds, skin inflammation, such as folliculitis and varicose veins, reduced immunity of the skin (eg due to diabetes mellitus), pregnancy, Raynaud, hemophilia, candida or immunodeficiency.

Signals to be reckoned with

Groin hair removal can cause irritation (itching, discomfort and redness of the skin) depending on the condition of the skin and hair. This reaction is normal and should disappear quickly, but it could be stronger if you shave for the first few times or if you have a reactive or very sensitive skin . If the skin is still irritated after 36 hours, it is recommended to consult your doctor .

Some advice

Precaution to be taken

  • Respect optimal hygienic conditions to avoid infections or other problems. Should there be any doubts about groin hair removal that is more suitable for your skin type, you can ask your doctor or dermatologist for advice on how to evaluate the various possibilities.
  • If the skin is irritated or sensitized, postpone the appointment with groin hair removal (whatever method is chosen).
  • When using the razor for groin hair removal, proceed with caution to "uneven" areas. To avoid the risk of cuts and micro-traumas, do not pass the razor blade too quickly on the skin: calculate at least 15 minutes for groin hair removal.
  • Prefer disposable razors, as they are more hygienic and safe. Cover the sides of the groin with a shaving foam to soften the hair and slide the blade better.
  • When using the depilatory cream, if the hair does not come off easily, rinse with warm water and pat dry with a towel, without rubbing.
  • To delay the regrowth of hair in the groin area, shave during menstruation; at this stage, the activity of the follicle is slowed down.
  • To avoid irritation, before and immediately after groin hair removal, it is advisable not to apply alcoholic lotions and to avoid using soap for at least 12 hours. Be careful not to expose yourself to the sun.

After groin hair removal: tips for a perfect result

  • The first day after groin hair removal, it is advisable to wear cotton underwear to avoid redness and adverse reactions.
  • Immediately after groin hair removal, the skin may be more sensitive, so it is advisable to avoid using soaps, alcohol-based products (eg deodorants) or other irritants.
  • Groin hair removal can cause redness, which usually vanish within a few hours. For this, at the end of the treatment, it is recommended to apply a moisturizing cream or a gel with a soothing action (eg sweet almond oil, coconut butter, aloe, calendula, chamomile, zinc and titanium dioxide) to speed up the process of skin repair.