woman's health

Ankles and Swollen Legs - Causes and Remedies

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Ankle swelling is a common problem, especially among people who stand up all day or remain in a seated position for a long time.

If the muscle mass lows, the blood struggles to return to the heart, especially when gravity does not play in its favor (ie when one remains in a standing position for a long time ).

The resulting blood stasis increases the venous pressure, which is maximum at the level of the ankles, on which the entire column of blood weighs. The blood pressure increases the passage of plasma fluids from the blood to the interstitial tissues.

When these liquids are not adequately drained by the lymphatic system, they accumulate in the tissues giving rise to edema (generalized swelling).

Even the summer heat helps to exacerbate the problem, because it dilates the caliber of the vessels.

In women of fertile age, swelling of the ankles is more frequent in the week preceding menstruation, since in this period the female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) reach particularly high levels, carrying out their full vasodilatory properties (causing water retention). Also on the hormonal level, the causes of swollen feet in pregnancy must also be sought.

Remedies for swelling

To combat the problem of swollen and heavy ankles, there are numerous dietary and behavioral strategies.

Physical activity

One of the first tips given by doctors is to move often, lifting the heel from time to time.

The movement of the muscles of the lower limbs is in fact capable of stimulating the circulation, generating a "pump effect" given by the alternation of contractions and relaxations.

It would be equally important to carve out a daily appointment with a brisk walk, or with a swim or a bike ride; half an hour a day for 4-5 days a week is sufficient to significantly improve peripheral circulation. Whatever the sporting activity undertaken, water sports are also particularly useful, it is important that it be carried out with suitable footwear; the stiletto heels, on the contrary, should be used sparingly, so much so that it would be better to reserve them for really special evenings.

Sport is also important for reaching and maintaining your healthy weight, which has a positive impact on the general health of your ankle legs. Still in the sports field, it is interesting to note how many cyclists, after an intense effort, spend a few minutes lying down with their legs raised on a rise. This strategy, which can also be implemented during the evening or night rest, promotes the return of blood to the heart, removing swelling. Also important is the self-massage, to be performed with rotary movements of the fingers that go from the bottom upwards; so much the better if it is associated with specific gels or creams, which keep the circulation alive avoiding the stagnation of liquids.

Exercises for Light and Less Swollen Legs

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Natural remedies and phytotherapy

Particularly important are some vegetable drugs, useful in the treatment of swollen ankles because they have an antioxidant action, builder on blood vessels and anti-inflammatory. These include butcher's broom, butcher's broom, centella asiatica, horse chestnut, witch hazel, ginkgo biloba, black bilberry, currant and red vine.

Many of these drugs, in addition to being an active ingredient in cosmetic products dedicated to tired legs and swollen ankles, are also available as standardized extracts to be taken by mouth.

Plant-derived vasoprotectors can be included in the composition of supplements or drugs, where they are usually found in higher concentrations.

Often associated with each other, they contain active ingredients, such as flavonoids, which are also present in many commonly used foods. A cup of berries, a kiwi, a pink grapefruit or a citrus juice, is ideal for filling up with these substances. By toning the capillary walls and positively regulating their permeability, bioflavonoids limit the transudation of liquids. The result? Less swollen and heavy ankles, although a multiple approach is often necessary, consisting of diet, supplements or specific drugs, physical exercise and massage assisted by cosmetic and phytotherapeutic preparations.

Elastic stockings

The last, but not the least effective, remedy against swelling of the ankles, is represented by elastic stockings with graduated compression, which facilitate, with their pressure decreasing from the bottom to the other, the venous return and the reabsorption of the liquids transudates.

Read also: All remedies for swollen ankles »