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Treating High Cholesterol With Herbs

This article aims to help the reader in the rapid identification of natural remedies useful in the treatment of various symptoms, disorders and pathologies. For some of the listed remedies, this utility may not have been confirmed by sufficient experimental tests conducted with a scientific method. Furthermore, any natural remedy presents potential risks and contraindications.

If available, we therefore recommend that you click on the link corresponding to the individual remedy to learn more about the topic. In any case, we remind you of the importance of avoiding self-treatment and to consult your doctor beforehand to ascertain the absence of contraindications and drug interactions.

Cholesterol is a key lipid for the human body. Its blood concentrations depend for roughly 80% on endogenous liver synthesis and 20% on dietary intake.

High cholesterol is dangerous for the body's health, as it increases cardiovascular risk by predisposing to diseases such as atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, intermittent claudication and stroke. To combat high cholesterol it is important not to limit yourself to simply reducing the dietary intake of cholesterol, but also to focus on reducing saturated fats (in favor of essential fatty acids and oleic acid) and simple sugars, abolishing smoking and following a balanced diet, normocaloric and accompanied by regular physical activity, in order to facilitate the achievement and maintenance of a healthy weight.

Medicinal plants and supplements useful against high cholesterol

Fermented red rice, Berberine, Betaine, Policosanols, Garlic, Fiber supplements (such as psyllium seeds, glucomannan, chitosan, guar gum and other gums), Fenugreek, Niacin Megadoses, Green tea, Garcinia cambogia, Commiphora mukul, soy proteins, lecithin, Aubergine, Achillea Wilhelmsii and plant sterols. Potentially useful are also drugs with choleretic-cholagogue properties.

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