infectious diseases

In what ways can toxoplasmosis be contracted?

Man can contract toxoplasmosis in different ways.

Infections are mainly acquired via the faecal-oral route, following the ingestion of mature Toxoplasma gondii oocysts present in the soil, water or vegetables contaminated with faeces from infected cats. The handling of the litter intended for the collection of the faeces of the domestic feline or the normal gardening activities can expose you to the risk of contracting the infection. Water contamination is a significant problem especially in developing countries and reflects the influence of poor hygienic conditions.

However, the major sources of infection are raw or undercooked meat from another intermediate host (eg lamb and game). Raw ham, salami or other pork sausages (especially those made by hand) are more frequently contaminated than beef. Even the milk of some mammals (bovine and pork) can carry the parasite. This mode of infection, however, is less frequent, as the parasites are rapidly destroyed at 50 ° C and do not resist pasteurization.

The exception is transmission through arthropods (such as flies, cockroaches and earthworms that can carry the oocysts of Toxoplasma gondii from feces) and by transfusion of blood (or blood products) and organ transplantation . Furthermore, toxoplasmosis can be transmitted transplacental from the pregnant woman to the fetus.