eye health

Does 3D hurt the eyes of children?

The Ministry of Health has issued a circular requiring TV manufacturers to inform users about possible health damage caused by three-dimensional vision (3D). In the document of 31 July 2013, in particular, we read that, among the warnings in the manuals of the devices, the use of 3D glasses in the home for children under the age of 6 must be contraindicated. For older subjects, on the other hand, the vision must be indicatively limited to the duration of a single cinematographic show. Even Nintendo, warns that the 3DS portable game console, should only be used in 2D mode by players under 6 years old.

The view of 3D images for a long time, in fact, can have negative effects on the development of the eyes of younger children. The greatest risk is strabismus : the view is not fully developed until the age of 7 and, playing or watching a 3D television show, the two eyes are forced to look in different directions.