
Argentina - Potentilla anserina

Under the term Potentilla two plants particularly rich in tannins, respectively called:

tormentilla ( Pontetilla tormentilla Nec. = P. erecta L. Rau.)

and argentina ( Potentilla anserina L.).

Both drugs are used in the treatment of diarrhea and inflammatory states of the oral cavity; due to its spasmolytic properties, potentilla anserina is also recommended in cases of dysmenorrhoea on a spastic basis. The dosages and methods of use are also very similar; in fact, the German E commission recommends taking 4-6 grams of drug a day, both for tormentilla and argentina. Finally, the possible side effects are not dissimilar, mostly localized at the gastric level with the appearance of nausea and vomiting in predisposed subjects.

Potentilla anserina

Botanical name: Pontetilla anserina L.

Common names: Potentilla, Anserina, Argentina

Family: Rosaceae

Drug: whole plant

Perennial herbaceous plant widespread in the grassy and marshy piedmont areas. It has pinnate leaves composed of leaflets with serrated edges, and flowers of a very intense yellow with 5 petals (contrary to the 4 of Pontetilla tormentilla ).


Tannins (6-10%), with a prevalence of

ellagic tannins

Phytosterols, triterpenes (tormentol)

Flavonoids and leucoanthocyanidins


Anti inflammatory


MAIN INDICATIONS: due to its rich tannins, the main use of Argentina is as an astringent remedy, precious in diarrheal forms.

Indications are also given by its spasmolytic activity in the gastro-intestinal and uterine tract, which makes it useful against abdominal cramps (gastro-enteric tract disorders characterized by spasms) and painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea).

FURTHER INDICATIONS: potentilla anserina is indicated in the symptomatic treatment of inflammatory processes affecting the oropharyngeal mucosa; always in the form of rinses, it helps to soothe toothache. As a tannin drug, it can be used for external washes in the presence of wounds, and internal in cases of leucorrhoea.

The dried argentine root is used as a base for decoctions with a stimulating, tonic and carminative action.

NOTES: the adjective astringent is up to all those substances that, used internally or externally, cause a constructive action on blood vessels, hindering vasodilation and the consequent increase in vascular permeability that accompanies inflammatory phenomena.

The astringent capacity is typical of drugs rich in tannins, such as Argentina.

If applied topically to the skin or damaged mucosa, the tannins bind tenaciously to epithelial cell proteins. Once in contact with the intestinal mucosa, therefore, the tannins reduce their permeability, producing an astringent effect particularly useful in the presence of diarrhea. At this and other levels, protein coagulation leads to the formation of a protective and antisecretive layer, useful for preventing the passage of pathogenic microorganisms and calming local inflammation.


Infusion (for internal use in diarrheal forms): 3 grams of drug per cup (150 ml), to be taken several times a day.

Decoction (for internal use as an antispasmodic): 2-3 grams of drug per cup (150 ml), to be taken several times a day.

Decoction (for rinses, gargles, wraps and topical use): 50 grams of drug per liter of water.

Powder / dry extract: 3-6 grams of drug per day divided into three intakes, as recommended by the herbalist or the product label.


Contact your doctor if diarrhea persists after three to four days of treatment with Argentine. Given the absence of reliable data on the toxicity profile in similar conditions, its use during pregnancy, lactation and under 14 years is not recommended.

The use of herbal preparations, including those based on potentilla anserina, can negatively interfere with the absorption of other drugs, increasing or decreasing their therapeutic effect. It is therefore advisable to take this remedy at least 2-3 hours after taking medicines.

In sensitive patients, treatment with argentina can cause episodes of nausea and vomiting, and increase gastric irritation.