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Bach flowers: do they work? They hurt?

According to traditional medicine, Bach flowers have NO effect among those desired.

It says an analysis published in 2009 and entitled: " Bach Flower Remedies for Psychological Problems and Pain: a Systematic Review ". Among the conclusions of the experiment it is specified that Bach flowers are not more effective than a placebo intervention; if nothing else, all the products observed have not proved dangerous to human health.

To tell the truth, this last statement deserves to be investigated by means of other research; on the other hand, since the "National Institute of Health" allocates up to 121 million dollars a year (or at least it allocated them in 2009) for research on the practices of "Complementary and Alternative Medicine" (CAM, at the NCCAM), it is logical to think that in the near future, with the use of more accurate methods (randomization and double-blind) and adequate research samples that guarantee a meaningful statistical analysis, the study can be repeated in order to confirm or deny what was said right now.