
Blue eyes - Nazar and Superstitions

Blue eyes seem to have become almost a "must" for an aspiring actor, a clear sign of how much they are generally appreciated in terms of aesthetics.

But in history this has not always been the case, in fact, there was a time - when television was still an unimaginable goal - in which blue eyes were literally persecuted.

A celestial iris, for example, has long been considered an indication of witchcraft and the evil eye. To defend themselves from these threats, the ancient Greeks always carried blue amulets (called nazar ), often in the shape of an eye. This habit is still relevant in Greece and in other Mediterranean and Middle Eastern countries.

In many cultures, moreover, there has always been a certain distrust of the different, even simply from a physical point of view. Not by chance, in the Mediterranean peoples - as reported in the graph taken from // - the percentage of people with blue eyes has always been very low. The dark color of the eyes, in fact, guarantees greater protection against the sun's rays.