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Sassofrasso in Herbalist: Property of Sassofrasso

Scientific name

Sassafras albidum




North America

Used Parts

Drug consisting of dried bark

Chemical constituents

  • Essential oil (safrole);
  • Isoquinoline alkaloids (boldina, isoboldina, reticulina);
  • Tannins;
  • Lignans.

Sassofrasso in Herbalist: Property of Sassofrasso

Sassofrasso has always been known for its therapeutic properties attributable to wood, one of which is the diuretic and disinfectant of the urogenital system.


Avoid taking (already very limited) in case of hypersensitivity to one or more components.

Pharmacological Interactions

  • barbiturates: increase in drug metabolism by induction of the hepatic microsomal system.


Sassofrasso essential oil should no longer be used, either by mouth or external use, due to the presence of safrole (a tablespoon of oil can kill humans), which is toxic to the liver and heart.