
Dark circles: Natural Remedies Anti-dark circles


Vaccinium myrtillus

Blueberry belongs to the Ericaceae family and berries (fruits) are used in the drug. As a natural remedy, blueberry is a drug known for its antioxidant properties and capillary- potency : it is considered in treatments to combat capillary and venous fragility, to reduce inflammation and to increase capillary resistance.

The blueberry also helps prevent disorders related to aging, thanks to its antioxidant properties. Here, therefore, that the drug is suitable for the formulation of an anti-age cream, the dark circles being a disorder also linked to the passage of time: it improves the vascular tone of the ocular microcirculation by decreasing the swelling of the subocular area, therefore the eye is reduced.

The blueberry is made up of anthocyanins (mirtillin) that seem to act precisely at the level of blood vessels, increasing their resistance, but other constituents include tannins, hydroxycinnamic acid, hydroxybenzoic acid, flavon glycosides, terpenes, organic vegetable acids and phenols glycosylates (argutine).

Horse chestnut

Aesculus hippocastanum

The horse chestnut, known as Indian chestnut, belongs to the Sapindaceae family, and is also used as an ornamental plant.

The active ingredient that qualitatively characterizes the drug, as well as the most important molecule among the triterpene saponins, is escin. In addition to saponins, in the phytocomplex there are also triterpene glycosides, glycosylated coumarins, tannins and flavonoids such as quercetin and kaempferol.

In cosmetics, the horse chestnut, being a saponins drug just like the centella asiatica, is considered for several uses:

  • Anti- inflammatory and astringent action ;
  • Used in the treatment of hemorrhoids;
  • Very widespread use in formulations aimed at reducing capillary permeability ;
  • Stimulating microcirculation ;
  • Used in anti-cellulite creams.

Because of these properties, escin extract is a good natural solution to the problem of dark circles.


Cucumis sativus

Cucumber is a vegetable that belongs to the Curcubitaceae family and is native to India. It consists of water, few carbohydrates, and salts such as calcium, sodium, phosphorus and potassium. We should also mention the presence of vitamin C.

From a cosmetic point of view, cucumber is a natural remedy that is found in anti-dark circles products due to its excellent qualities: regenerating, moisturizing, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor . Precisely because of these abilities, the cucumber can be used to reduce swelling under the eyes and to improve the eye area, thus acting on dark circles and decreasing the present blemish or counteracting its appearance.


Magnolia officinalis

Another natural remedy to consider is the extract of the bark of magnolia: its bark, in fact, contains two powerful anti-inflammatory substances, magnolol and onochiolo, which act synergistically in inhibiting the activation of NF-KB (Nuclear Factor kB), a mediator of inflammatory processes and aging.

For external use these active ingredients have an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action . It is a medicinal plant that belongs to the Chinese pharmacopoeia: in fact the bark has been used for many years in Asia against the stagnation of liquids, but also for digestive disorders, anxiety and allergies.

The use of this active ingredient in an anti-aging cream will lead to an increase in the elasticity of the skin around the eyes, associated with an excellent hydration of the skin: the magnolia extract is therefore a good natural remedy to combat dark circles and marks aging.


Coffea arabica

The coffee plant is an evergreen shrub belonging to the Sterculiaceae family.

Coffee and, more precisely, the extract obtained from its seeds (beans) is widely used in the cosmetic industry. In fact, it is believed that the caffeine contained in this extract - when used topically - is able to exert an anti-edema and lipolytic action (promotes lipid catabolism).

For this reason, its use in anti-cellulite products and anti-dark circles cosmetics has been very successful (for more information: Caffeine against Bags or Dark Circles).

Do-It-Yourself Natural Remedies

So far, some of the plants whose extracts are widely used by the cosmetic industry for the production of cosmetic anti-dark circles and anti-aging products have been described.

With these same plants - as with many others - it is, however, possible to make numerous natural DIY remedies that are very useful for combating dark circles. Below are some of them.

Cucumber wraps

Grandmother's ancient remedy - also used in various beauty salons - the wrap with cucumber slices seems to be one of the most widespread and known DIY natural remedies for combating dark circles.

Making it is very simple: just cut some very thin slices of cucumber and apply them on the eyes (approximately, two or three slices by eye) for about 15 minutes.

Alternatively, you can use cucumber juice, soaking gauzes to apply to the eyes for the same time.

The decongestant and vasoconstrictor action with which this plant is equipped will have a good effect against dark circles.

Tea wraps

The tea has astringent properties and for this reason, making compresses at the dark circles can make them less evident and can reduce any swelling.

This do-it-yourself natural remedy involves the use of classic tea bags available at any supermarket. The sachets must be wet with cold water and well squeezed, after which they can be applied to the eyes (one per eye) and left on for about 15 minutes. After this time, the sachets should be removed and the face should be rinsed with fresh water.

Alternatively, you can make tea (green or black), let it cool and use it to moisten cotton pads or a make-up sponge. The disks, or the sponge, will then have to be buffered on the dark circles. The tea should be left to act for a few minutes, after which you can proceed with rinsing.

Potato wraps

Another very popular DIY remedy (but with no proven efficacy) involves the use of potatoes to combat dark circles, especially those that are very dark in color.

The remedy is simple: it is sufficient to cut two thin slices of potato (after having previously washed it) which must be wrapped in gauze and then applied to the eyes. The laying time is about 15-20 minutes, after which you can rinse your face with fresh water.

Chamomile wraps

The chamomile wraps - similar to the cucumber ones - are among the most well-known DIY natural remedies used to combat dark circles. This is thanks to the anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties of this plant.

Putting this remedy into practice is very simple and fast. In fact, it is sufficient to prepare an infusion of chamomile by dipping the dried flowers of the plant (readily available in herbal medicine) in boiling water. The infusion prepared in this way must be left to cool down. Once warm, soak cotton pads and apply them to the eyes until they have cooled. After that, the disks must be removed, immersed again in the warm infusion and then reapplied again on the eyes. This operation must be carried out 4 or 5 times, at least once a day.

The first results should be visible after the first week.