physiology of training


The importance of genetics in sports performance.

As usual ... genetics!

Athletic performance unfortunately depends not only on the level of training, but also on the genetic predisposition that allows us to achieve it.

If genetics is against us, we could do a lot of training but we certainly could not become champions (for the same reason that a mule will never become a horse).

It is useless to deal with professional athletes whose performance is above average due to genetic predisposition and / or haimè, due to the use of doping substances.

However, what is important to point out is that:

resistance is the physical quality that can be improved most with training

strength is the physical quality that improves with greater speed

the improvement in speed is much more difficult and complicated

The genetic predisposition can affect up to a maximum of 20-25% in the final performance, any further increase is due solely and exclusively to training.

It is therefore useless to justify bad performance with the excuse of genetics and physical predisposition, it is much more likely that the reason behind our failures is due to a wrong training program.

Genetics and obesity