
Pain in the umbilical site that radiates in the lower and right part of the abdomen with the passing of hours - Causes and Symptoms


The appearance of a localized pain in the area around the navel, which radiates to the lower right quadrant of the abdomen, can indicate the presence of various pathological conditions.

Appendicitis is initially characterized by dull pain in the epigastric or periombelical region. This radiates, then, in the lower and right part of the abdomen, becomes persistent and worsens with walking. In addition to abdominal tenderness, the acute inflammation of the appendix often also causes nausea, vomiting and lack of appetite. The rupture or perforation of the appendix involves the sudden cessation of pain and the appearance of symptoms of peritonitis (widespread abdominal pain, pallor, sweating, high fever and absence of intestinal noise).

The pain in the umbilical site that radiates in the lower and right part of the abdomen with the passing of the hours can also occur in case of peritoneal irritation secondary to pelvic inflammatory disease or to a perforated peptic ulcer.

Periombelical pain can also originate from vascular disorders (eg intestinal infarction due to total or partial embolic or thrombotic occlusion), distortion or traction on the mesentery and mechanical obstruction of the hollow viscera.

Acute pain localized to the lower and right lower quadrant, short and intermittent in the beginning, then diffuse, may indicate the torsion or hemorrhage of an ovarian cyst. A similar manifestation is caused by endometriosis.

Possible Causes * of Pain in the umbilical site that radiates in the lower and right part of the abdomen as the hours pass.

  • Appendicitis