
Dromomania - Causes and Symptoms


Dromomania is a neurotic tendency, which manifests itself as the unsuppressible need to wander from one place to another.

This psychological stimulus can result in sudden escapes that generally occur without any predetermined goal, or without a sufficiently comprehensible relationship with this reaction.

Dromomania is a behavior that is observed in bipolar disorder in association with states of dysphoria (ie alterations of mood in a depressive sense) triggered by external circumstances. However, this form of nomadism can also represent a symptom of the dissociative identity disorder (dissociative flight) or borderline personalities.

In the context of psychiatric pathologies, dromomania is interpreted as an attempt to escape from one's own anxiety or, as happens in cases of paranoia, from the harassment generated by the sense of persecution.

In common parlance, the term is sometimes used to indicate a generalized desire to travel and to describe people who have a strong emotional or physical need to always be on the move to visit new places, often at the expense of family, work and social life.

Possible Causes * of Dromomania

  • Nervous anorexia
  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Cyclothymic disorder
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Schizophrenia