Category legumes

Roveja by R.Borgacci

Roveja by R.Borgacci

What's this What is roveja? Roveja is the name of a specific type of pea. The term peas refers to fruits (pods and seeds) or plants of the Fabaceae family (legumes), Genus Pisum , sativum species and subspecies sativum . The roveja, also called robiglio or pea of ​​the fields, is a more precisely defined variety avense (variety). Ro

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Bean Flour

Generality Beans, intended as foods, are the seeds produced by some annual herbaceous plants, belonging to the Fabaceae family (Leguminosae). The binomial nomenclature of the bean plant is Phaseolus vulgaris ; to tell the truth, however, with the term beans you could indicate many more Species, belonging also to different Genres and Sub Genres; let's see why
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Soy flour

Generality The "common" soy (in American soybean , in English soya bean ) is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the family of Fabaceae (Leguminosae), Genus Glycine , Species max ; the binomial nomenclature of soy is Glycine max . Soy is of Asian origin, more precisely from the eastern side
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Chickpea Farinata

Generality The chickpea farinata (or fainà, in Genoese) is a typical Italian food, particularly from the Liguria region. However, it is also widespread in other places, often limited to provinces or municipalities in regions that are sometimes very distant from one another; some examples are: Nice, the Livorno and the Pisan of Tuscany, the Alexandrian of Piedmont, the Sassari of Sardinia and the Ferrara of Emilia Romagna.
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Legumes: functions, benefits and nutritional properties

Legumes: what they are and how they are eaten Legumes (legumes, Fabaceae or Papilionaceae ) are foods of vegetable origin; more precisely, they are seeds enclosed in a pod ; they belong to the order of the Fabales , so it is neither cereal nor berries or other vegetables. The most well-known legumes are: beans, peas, broad beans, chickpeas, lentils, soy, lupins, peanuts, grass peas, caiani and carob
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What is Hummus? Hummus is a culinary preparation typical of the Middle East. Hummus is an Arabic noun found in the vocabulary of many countries (albeit with different pronunciations and accents) which, in their culinary tradition, include this dense accompanying sauce based on legumes (throughout the Middle East
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Do Legumes Make You Fat?

Introduction Many supporters of so-called "modern diets", which tend to be low in carbohydrates, believe that legumes are harmful to health. Not only that, in the list of "to avoid" foods, cereals, pseudocereals, some tubers or roots (potatoes, American potatoes, tapioca, etc.) and their derivatives (flours, isolated starch, etc
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Red Lentils by R.Borgacci

What are What are red lentils? Red lentils are edible seeds that belong to the IV fundamental group of foods. Rich in starch and fiber, these foods also contribute to providing significant levels of specific vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants and lecithins. Red lentils are a variety of lentils
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Pasta and beans

Generality Pasta and beans is one of the most traditional Italian dishes par excellence. This dish, in addition to being extremely widespread in almost all regions of the Bel Paese (of which each preserves one or more specific recipes), is similar to many international recipes, which combine the combination of cereals, legumes and vegetables
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Legume protein

Legumes Legumes, also called legumes, Fabaceae or Papilionaceae , are flowering plants of the Fabales order; legumes produce a fruit called pod of which the seeds enclosed inside are mainly edible. These are legumes: beans, peas, fava beans, chickpeas, lentils, soy, lupins, peanuts, grass peas, caiani, carob etc
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Roveja by R.Borgacci

What's this What is roveja? Roveja is the name of a specific type of pea. The term peas refers to fruits (pods and seeds) or plants of the Fabaceae family (legumes), Genus Pisum , sativum species and subspecies sativum . The roveja, also called robiglio or pea of ​​the fields, is a more precisely defined variety avense (variety). Ro
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