
Acne Treatment Medications


In medical terms, those that are commonly called "pimples" refer to a pseudo-pathological condition called more precisely acne. We are talking about an inflammatory process that affects the pilosebaceous glands and hair follicles: acne promotes the formation of papules, pustules and comedones, always unsightly and sometimes itchy. The face and neck are the anatomical sites most affected by acne, but also the chest and dorsal area can show pimples.


Acne can have genetic, hormonal, bacterial or psychological etiology. The family predisposition heavily affects the appearance of pimples, but also the hormonal alteration (menstrual cycle, pregnancy, adolescence) plays a major role in its appearance. Stress and psychological disorders can be a cause, especially during adolescence; last but certainly not least, the Propionibacterium Acnes beat, which - by blocking the pores of the skin - generates inflammation and acne.


Acne is an aesthetic problem rather felt by young people, since pimples tend to prefer the face; acne can generate cysts, scarring of the skin, scabs, irritation, papules, blackheads, itching and pustules.

Natural Care

Diet and Nutrition

Information on Acne - Medications for Acne Care is not intended to replace the direct relationship between health professional and patient. Always consult your doctor and / or specialist before taking Acne - Acne Medication.


Before embarking on a therapeutic course based on the administration of drugs for the treatment of acne, it is good to keep in mind some hygienic-behavioral rules, useful both to prevent acne, and to speed up its healing when the "disease" is in progress.

  • The skin should always be cleaned gently with mild and not very aggressive detergents
  • Avoid excessively cleansing the skin: in fact, excessive cleaning removes the thin natural lipid layer that covers the skin, drying the skin and making it more sensitive
  • Always remove make-up after makeup
  • In the case of acne, the hair should remain in contact with the face as little as possible
  • Do not rub or scratch pimples, to avoid even permanent scarring
  • Do not apply oily creams on the face, especially in the presence of acne

These simple measures can be effective in the case of mild to moderate acne; if the symptoms persist, it is possible to undertake a pharmacological treatment; so much so that in the event of severity, in the absence of treatments, acne tends to disfigure the face even for 8-10 years. In light of the above, it is understandable how relevant and intelligent it is to contact a specialist (dermatologist) when the condition is alarming; also in this case the importance of a dermatological control from the first symptoms should be underlined, to monitor and control the disease.

Antibiotics : the antibiotic treatment for acne is clearly reserved for severe and complicated cases, in addition to those in which topical application of other specific substances (eg retinoids) is particularly complex or ineffective. However, there are some antibiotic formulations to be applied to the skin, especially indicated for patients who do not tolerate antibiotics to be taken orally.

  • Clindamycin (eg Dalacin-T cutaneous solution, Zindaclin gel, Cleocin cream): apply the product on the skin twice a day. The duration of therapy must be established by the doctor.
  • Erythromycin (eg Erythromycin IDI gel / cream, Eryacne gel, Zineryt): in the form of gel or cream, apply the product to the infected area once or twice a day. Thoroughly clean the area before applying the drug.
  • Metronidazole (eg Rozex cream / skin emulsion, Zidoval cream / gel): it is also effective for the treatment of rosacea.

Antimicrobials : this category of drugs is titrated by benzoyl peroxide and azelaic acid, active ingredients often used in therapy against acne to replace antibiotics; it has been observed, in fact, that the prolonged administration of antibiotics can develop resistance in the bacterium Propionibacterium acnes, therefore it is recommended to take antimicrobials first and, only afterwards and in case of failure to resolve, antibiotics.

  • Benzoyl peroxide (eg Acnidazil, Benzac Clean, Panoxyl): in general, therapy with this antibacterial agent should be started in small doses, and then gradually increased during treatment. If symptoms do not improve after 2 months of therapy, it is necessary to change medication and opt for an antibiotic. It is recommended to start the therapy by applying the cream 1-2 times on the injured skin; continue the treatment with formulations with higher active concentration. Consult your doctor.
  • Azelaic acid (eg. Skinoren, Finacea): apply a 20% cream to the skin affected by acne, twice a day (morning and evening). It is recommended to use mild detergents and not to scratch the pimples. Indicated for the treatment of mild and moderate acne on the face. It creates fewer side effects than the previous drug.

Possible side effects: skin irritation, edema (generally following the very first applications)

Hormones : hormone therapy for acne is reserved for women and girls; most of the time, patients are treated with a combined therapy: Ethinylestradiol and Cyproterone acetate (eg Diane, Dianette). We are talking about oral contraceptives (which must be prescribed by the doctor after a thorough visit), particularly indicated also in the treatment of dermatological conditions such as acne, hirsutism, seborrhea and alopecia. These drugs, although contraceptives, should not be used exclusively for this purpose.

Retinoids : retinoids are drugs widely used to treat acne; however they are rather powerful substances, therefore they must be used with caution, in full respect of what is prescribed by the doctor. Side effects are not lacking: the intake of retinoids, even respecting the dosages, can lead to peeling of the skin and erythema; however, it should be remembered that these side effects tend to recede during the therapy period.

It is also important to warn the patient that the first therapeutic effects of the drug are generally observable after a few months of treatment.

  • Isotretinoin (eg. Roaccutan, Aisoskin, Isoriac, Isotrex): this drug is used in therapy against acne of psychological etiology, not treatable with antibiotic drugs, and for cystic acne. Isotretinoin is by far the most potent antiacne drug and is also very suitable for the treatment of rosacea. Do not take during pregnancy: the drug has a teratogenic effect, even long after the end of the treatment. The drug should be applied to the skin once or twice a day.
  • Retinoic acid or tretinoin (eg Retin-A , Vesanoid ) : this drug is widely used in therapy, although during the first applications a worsening of the acneic condition is possible. In fact, by favoring the desquamation of keratinocytes and stimulating cell turnover, the drug tends to accentuate pimples: however, this undesirable effect tends to fade during therapy. Apply a thin layer of cream on the skin affected by acne every night before going to bed; subsequently, reduce the number of applications to 3 per week. Consult your doctor. Do not apply the product during pregnancy and lactation: the drug is a teratogen.
  • Adapalene (eg Differin 0.1% Gel / cream, Epiduo 0.1% + 2.5% gel): the administration of this drug is indicated for the treatment of medium-sized acne; it is applied to damaged skin once a day, preferably in the evening, before sleeping at night. It is less irritating than the retinoids described above, although belonging to the same category.

Natural substances for acne treatment

Even nature gives relief to skin affected by pimples: the choice of plants to be used is directed towards purifying, anti-inflammatory, purifying and sanitizing drugs. Burdock, birch, calendula, echinacea, fumaria and dandelion are just some of the countless plants that can exercise a valid therapeutic alternative to the classic treatments for acne.