
The irresistible charm of the supplement

Edited by Giovanni Bruno

For those who train with weights the first psychological goal is to become "big".

From the neophyte to the advanced athlete the thought is only one: muscle mass. The advanced athlete, except for serious injuries or contingent problems, is no longer able to do without training and at the same time when he looks in the mirror he is never satisfied, he always sees himself as "small" and always wants to "grow"; the neophyte, as soon as he sees some improvement, enters the vicious circle of the advanced athlete.

We almost always start by being content with little, to be more toned or in most cases to increase our body weight a little; in fact, very often those who begin weight training do so because they are too thin or thin enough not to see themselves well in the mirror; slowly, however, after seeing the results, the psychological spring comes: I WANT TO BECOME BIG.

Here is what changes the vision not only of training time but of life; in fact we begin to live according to training and I challenge anyone to deny me. From this moment on, we search, perhaps on the internet. the definitive card for the mass, that of the super professional bodybuilder, the one that makes you huge, and the instructor's card, probably much more appropriate, suddenly goes wrong; we begin to look for nutrition and this in itself is an absolutely positive thing, except that for the bodybuilder's diet we mean, among other things: ten egg whites for breakfast, three hundred grams of red meat a lunch and three hundred grams of white meat at dinner.

And here, and I come to the point, that we move on to the third step: integration. And even this in itself, done in due measures, is something that can help you achieve certain goals.

******* Stack was the most sold in the world and the undisputed champion of anabolic supplements. Due to the strong anabolic potential of its ingredients, it could not be used by everyone and especially by athletes subjected to anti-doping controls. Today there is an integrator that can replace the ******* Stack. It's called U ****** ****** Stack and it is a new, strong and powerful anabolic product. It mimics the pharmaceutical anabolic effects by increasing protein synthesis, nitrogen retention and the breakdown between lean mass and fat mass (a greater lean mass against a decrease in fat mass in the body), also reducing cellular catabolism.

******* Stack helps stimulate the production of five anabolic hormones in your body:

  1. Testosterone;
  2. Growth Hormone (HGH);
  3. Insulin Growth Factor (IGF1);
  4. Luteinizing Hormone (LH);
  5. Insulin.

******* Stack incredibly increases your energy and your performance, providing the vitamins and minerals that are essential for your muscles, without the androgenic effects associated with taking pro-hormones without overloading the liver.

This is just one example of the myriad of reviews of supplements on the increasingly numerous online supplement sales sites, especially the American ones, because you know, the charm of the word written in English is far superior to the Italian one. Did you read this review correctly? Is it or isn't it spectacular? Do you immediately want to take a credit card and buy this product? For the speech before, on the psychological spring, every day many bodybuilders or aspiring ones buy after being literally fascinated by these words, written by a good Marketing operator!

A word on the word integrator:

A food supplement is defined as a specific product aimed at favoring the intake of certain nutritional principles not present in the food of an incorrect diet.

Supplements are recommended in cases where the body lacks certain foods: they do not therefore have healing properties, but serve to supplement a normal diet, supplementing it. Due to their nutritional properties, they must be taken within safety limits ( upper safe level: UL ), taking into account the RDA (recommended dietary allowances), ie the recommendations of the specialists.

What comes from this statement? That the supplement integrates precisely the diet of certain nutrients in case it is lacking or lacking. It therefore seems logical that, in a balanced diet, and I speak also and above all in relation to training with weights, any supplement would not bring any benefit. Let me be clear that I am not the integralist on duty, absolutely opposed to integration, I just want to go to meet the many guys who pass out every month buying products, first of dubious origin and of dubious quality, that thanks to a careful Marketing operation, thanks to amazing phrases and words, they manage to earn millions by leveraging on the goodness and the desire of these guys to put on a little muscle, perhaps shortening the time, convinced that with these super supplements we can succeed . But this is not exactly the case.

