training techniques

POF training

By Dr. Davide Marciano

The effectiveness of this technique is carried out in making the muscle work in its entire range of motion, furthermore it makes use of the Myotatic Reflex thanks to which there is a greater muscular stress.

What is the myotatic reflex?

Without going too far into specifics, when you reach the maximum muscle stretch in an exercise (for example, the low position of the crosses on bench) and immediately reverse the direction, a larger part of muscle fibers contracts.

This reflex allows a hypercontraction of the muscle, therefore a greater growth.

According to the author, most bodybuilders ignore the stretch position and that's why it takes a lifetime to get good results. In addition to the stretch position, it is also inserted into the intermediate and contraction positions through which there is a synergy towards muscle growth.

The intermediate position consists in the use of multi-joint exercises, as they force the muscles to work in synergy. Thanks to this work, it is possible to lift more load and achieve greater growth thanks to a remarkable hormonal response.

Finally, the contraction position includes all those exercises that allow you to maintain muscular resistance throughout the entire range of movement. Due to this resistance opposition the contraction position is performed after a movement in the stretch position. This sequence of exercises (first stretching and then contraction) allows a greater recruitment of the muscle fibers.

Therefore in training you will have to perform an exercise in an intermediate position, then in a stretch position and finally in a position of contraction.

Exercises in intermediate position:

QuadricepsSquat / Leg Press
Femoral bicepsOff the ground with legs extended (the highest part of the movement)
CalvesLeg curl with extended toes
Great DorsalLat machine or chest pulls
Central part of the backLat machine or Pull-ups behind the neck
Lower chestDistension on a flat or declined bench
Upper chestIncline bench press
deltoidsSlow forward
BicepsCurl with barbell
TricepsNarrow bench
abdominalSit up / knees in the chest while lying down

Exercises in stretch position:

QuadricepsSissy Squat
Femoral bicepsDeadlift to the legs (the lowest part of the movement)
CalvesTip lifting at 90 ° or at the Press
Great DorsalPullover
Central part of the backRower with handlebar or cable one arm only
Lower chestCrosses on a flat or declined bench
Upper chestInclined bench crosses
deltoidsLateral risers only one arm on inclined bench
BicepsInclined bench curl
TricepsExtensions above the head
abdominalCrunch on a curved bench

Exercises in contraction position:

QuadricepsLeg extension
Femoral bicepsLeg curl
CalvesTip lifting in an upright position
Great DorsalPushed down with outstretched arms or rowing with supination hold
Central part of the backRower or raise to 90 °
Lower chestCrosses with cables
Upper chestCrosses on the inclined cables
deltoidsSide raises or pulled to the chin
BicepsConcentrated or corded curl
TricepsExtensions one arm behind the head or pushed down
abdominalCrunch with reduced range of motion