
Drugs for the treatment of Premature Ejaculation


Among the most felt male sexual dysfunctions, premature ejaculation is at the very top: in medical-scientific terms, it is rather complex to objectively define this phenomenon, since each organism responds in a subjective way to sexual stimuli. However, in general, premature ejaculation occurs when the man, unable to control his own ejaculatory reflex, reaches orgasm after a brief sexual arousal.


The causes that lie at the base of premature ejaculation can have a psychological or physical / organic origin: performance anxiety, erectile dysfunction, stress and male pre-orgasmic perceptions are among the psychological causal aspects that heavily affect the Ejaculatory precocity. Among the physical-organic causes, we mention: abuse of some drugs / drugs, alcoholism, short frenulum, degenerative disorders, hypersensitivity to the glans, prostatitis, urethritis and vesiculitis.


The main symptom of this sexual disorder is the precociousness of the ejaculatory reflex of man, always uncontrolled: in addition to this obvious sign, the man effect from premature ejaculation complains of anxiety, worry and stress. Some authors believe that premature ejaculation, to be defined as such, must take place within 15 seconds / 2 minutes of penetration.

Natural Care

Information on Premature Ejaculation - Drugs for the Treatment of Premature Ejaculation are not intended to replace the direct relationship between health professional and patient. Always consult your doctor and / or specialist before taking Premature Ejaculation - Drugs for the Treatment of Premature Ejaculation.


The administration of drugs for the treatment of premature ejaculation is a subject as much heard as controversial: some authors believe that drugs for the treatment of the disorder are not necessary, being convinced that the precociousness of ejaculation is the result of an intertwining of anxieties and fears that precede sexual intercourse. Supporters of this line of thinking are convinced that the use of drugs for treating the disorder is useless, because the side effects outweigh the therapeutic benefits; other doctors, on the other hand, support the opposing theory, convinced that some specific drugs can not only remove the anxiety and worry that afflicts the man at that moment, but also and above all control the ejaculatory reflex.

However, it would be incorrect and unintelligent to generalize: every organism responds to stimuli of any kind in its own and unique way, so if a man can overcome the problem with a simple consultation by a specialist, another may instead need drugs with effect. "Immediate" to treat this unpleasant, however understandable, sexual disorder.

Before proceeding with a drug treatment, the doctor can suggest the patient to undergo circumcision: this practice seems particularly useful for solving the problem for patients suffering from premature ejaculation dependent on glans hypersensitivity. Circumcision associated with the glandular neurotomy appears to be very effective in postponing the ejaculatory reflex of man, decreasing hypersensitivity to the glans; not to forget also that, according to the thought of some, circumcision can even enhance sexual pleasure in humans.

Antidepressants : some antidepressant drugs seem to solve, at least in part, the problem of premature ejaculation. In the light of in-depth scientific studies, it has been observed that ejaculatory precocity is heavily influenced by neurotransmitter deficits, such as serotonin; the administration of drugs capable of correcting the action of these mechanisms can prolong the duration of the relationship, postponing ejaculation. Not surprisingly, a side effect (used here for therapeutic use) of antidepressants is precisely the ejaculatory delay.

The administration of these drugs can cause side effects, such as nausea, dry mouth, drowsiness and decreased sexual desire.

  • Fluoxetine (eg Azur, Prozac, Fluoxerene): in general, the action of this drug, as well as that of other SSRIs, for the treatment of premature ejaculation can be observed after more than 10 days of therapy. Consult your doctor.
  • Paroxetine (eg Sereupin, Serestill, Eutimil, Daparox): the drug is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), particularly indicated for the treatment of generalized anxiety. The drug is indicated for the treatment of premature ejaculation to calm anxiety and to prolong the duration of sexual intercourse. The dosage and duration of therapy must be established by the doctor.
  • Sertraline (eg. Zoloft, Sertraline, Tralisen): this drug, like the previous one, belongs to the SSRI class, and is used as an alternative to paroxetine to treat the symptoms of premature ejaculation. Also in this case, the dosage and duration of the therapy are aspects of exclusively medical competence. In general, the therapy should be continued for at least 6 months, and the first therapeutic effects are appreciable at least after 10 days.
  • Clomipramine (eg. Anafrinil): the administration of this drug is still under discussion. The drug is a tricyclic antidepressant, to be used for the treatment of premature ejaculation only after testing an SSRI drug: if the latter does not report benefit to the patient after at least a couple of weeks of therapy, it is possible to proceed with cyclopramine, a drug more powerful. In general, the dosage of the drug, which must be established by the doctor, is rather low: it is advisable to take the active ingredient 3-4 hours before sexual intercourse.

Topical anesthetics : the administration of ointments, creams or gels with an anesthetic action directly on the penis can somehow help the man to delay the ejaculatory reflex.

  • Lidocaine (eg Lidoc C FN cream, Xylonor spray, Elidoxil cream, Ortodermina pomade): apply the product, in the form of a spray or cream, directly on the penis to create the analgesia necessary to delay ejaculation. Consult your doctor.
  • Prilocaine: often the analgesic drug is available in association with lidocaine (eg Emla). It is recommended to apply the product locally, 15-20 minutes before starting a relationship.

The administration on the penis of anesthetic creams is not without side effects: among all, the decrease in genital sensitivity and female sexual pleasure; in some cases, even if rarely, the application of these ointments can trigger an allergic reaction. In such situations it is advisable to use a condom, just to escape the possibility of creating unpleasant side effects for the woman.

Vasoactive substances : therapy with these drugs is generally reserved for those patients suffering from severe premature ejaculation, in which the administration of SSRIs and / or topical application of analgesic substances have not reported satisfactory therapeutic effects. More precisely, it is advised to follow a similar therapy when premature ejaculation is associated with erectile dysfunction.

  • Sildenafil (eg. Sildenafil Teva, Viagra, Revatio, Vizarsin, Sildenafil Actavis, Sildenafil Ratiopharm): the drug is a phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor, which is useful for promoting smooth muscle relaxation. The drug is available in the form of tablets to be taken orally, about an hour before the report. Consult your doctor for any clarifications.

For further information: see the article on drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction

Deepening: phytotherapy and premature ejaculation

When premature ejaculation is considered a minor ailment, herbal medicine can be a very useful natural therapeutic option; the drugs and extracts indicated aim to relax the man and to remove the anxiety that often accompanies the discomfort:

  • Valeriana ( Valeriana officinalis )
  • Passiflora ( Passiflora Incarnata )
  • Tiglio ( Tilia cordata )

Even foods rich in bioflavonoids, such as grapefruit, lemon and grapes, seem to be a very valuable aid to prolong the time of sexual intercourse, since they seem to favor the control of ejaculatory impulses.

Even aromatherapy, homeopathy and ayurveda (alternative medicine) can somehow help man to overcome the premature ejaculation disorder.