dried fruit

"Down with triglycerides ..." with walnut oil!

Hyperlipemia, which is a significant increase in blood fats, is a cardio-vascular risk factor. In this regard, it has already been known for many years that certain fats are able to improve (and others to worsen) these parameters.

Fortunately, walnuts are very rich in beneficial molecules and the oil that is extracted from them is used as a phytotherapeutic drug. The respective triglycerides have a prevalence of omega 6 and omega3 fatty acids, lipids in which many vitamins of type E are also dispersed. All these molecules, associated with other antioxidants of nuts (such as catechins), play a bivalent role on the regulation of lipemia : increase HDL cholesterol and decrease triglycerides.

If it is true that walnuts, associated with diet and sports, represent a very valuable aid against metabolic diseases, it is also true that their recruitment often involves adverse circumstances. Rash and itching are not rare, probably due to a pseudo-immune reaction, which is why walnut oil (which should NOT contain potentially allergenic molecules, such as proteins) has proved to be a true â € œ up its sleeve "!

A 2003 scientific paper entitled " Antihypertriglyceridic effect of walnut oil " has shown that, in the total absence of immunological complications, 3g of walnut oil for 45 days were responsible for reducing the triglyceridemia from 19 to 33% on a sample of 29 patients; in parallel, 31 subjects who received only the placebo showed no change.

It is therefore necessary to remember that, in the absence of predominant genetic-hereditary causes, the correct use of food (better if associated with a physical activity protocol) could be sufficient for the remission of some metabolic pathologies such as, for example, hyperlipemias.