diets for weight loss

Nutrition and cellulite

Not recommended foods

Salt and in particular the sodium it contains are some of the main allies of cellulite. This mineral is in fact one of the many factors that can increase the body's water retention. In a woman suffering from cellulite this disorder is already accentuated due to the impaired functionality of the venous and lymphatic system.

For this reason it is important to take with the diet foods with diuretic properties avoiding those that, like salt, promote water retention.

Limiting your sodium intake to food is all in all easy, just take a few simple steps:

  • do not salt the food
  • use a little salt during cooking (when preparing pasta, for example, add salt to cooking when finished; in this way the amount of salt absorbed by the pasta is considerably reduced)
  • limit the consumption of foods preserved in salt or processed (sausages, cheeses, chips, etc.)
  • limit consumption of packaged foods
  • enhance the flavor of foods with spices, lemon or traditional / balsamic vinegar
  • if the fruit is appreciated it can be consumed instead of salty snacks as a snack.

Recommended foods to take a lot of potassium and very little sodium, thus favoring the drainage of liquids.


(per 100 grams)


mg / 100g


mg / 100g

Dried mushrooms


White beans




Dried plums

Sunflower seeds

Dried dates



Fresh mushrooms


Red meat









































However, it must be remembered that sodium is an essential mineral for the body and excessive deficiency, even if difficult to achieve with normal nutrition, could have important side effects (nausea, muscle cramps, fatigue, mental apathy).

Anti-Cellulite Smoothie - Tips to Eliminate Cellulite

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Other foods not recommended

  • smoked, grilled or fried foods,
  • desserts
  • fatty meats and cheeses
  • preserved meat
  • spirits
  • pizza (especially with salami or cheese)
  • sausages and preserved meat in general.

All these foods, of course, must not disappear completely from their diet but be consumed with careful moderation.

Sometimes in the diet, as in life, a relaxing break is necessary, a break from the rule that can give new physical and mental energies. Even when fighting cellulite, similar moments can happen, especially during the weekend. To limit the damage it is advisable to follow a purifying diet in the following twenty-four hours as specified in the previous paragraph.

In the article "dietary advice" there are general principles not directly linked to cellulite but extremely useful for improving the effectiveness and quality of one's diet.

Physical activity and Cellulite

In all probability, physical activity alone takes on an equivalent or even higher role than all the dietary recommendations seen so far. Some motor activities are in fact able to reduce cellulite both thanks to a greater oxidation of fats for energy purposes, and thanks to an improvement of the microcirculation. More generally, sport has the great advantage of improving the efficiency of the whole organism by favoring the microcirculation at the level of the engaged muscle regions.

In order to maximize the results and promote the reduction of cellulite it is however important to respect some rules. First of all we recommend an aerobic sport activity such as a long walk, a swim or a nice pedaling at a moderate pace. However, activities that are too intense like weight lifting should be avoided. running and spinning

WALK, DO NOT RUN: the repeated impacts with the ground caused by the running action, in addition to having negative effects on the joints and the spine, cause micro-lacerations to the membranes of the fat cells that for a long time

go can make the situation worse. Moreover, a physical activity carried out at too high intensity leads to the formation of lactic acid.

This metabolite is an ally of cellulite, since the formation of muscle toxins has negative effects on the circulation and oxygenation of tissues. For this reason, two hours of spinning per week carried out at high intensity are not only useless but even counterproductive.

Maintaining the sitting position on the saddle for an hour in fact hinders the circulation of the buttocks, one of the body areas most affected by cellulite; furthermore, the high intensity of the exercise leads to the accumulation of lactic acid with all the negative consequences just seen.

It is therefore recommended to carry out long-term activities such as cycling, brisk walking or step. The benefits of this training program are many: a regular physical activity (at least 30-40 minutes a day) leads to a general improvement in cardio-circulatory and respiratory capacities, favoring peripheral circulation.

In this way it is possible to defeat the bad circulation which represents the biggest risk factor for the development of cellulite.

To be called regular, physical activity must be carried out at least three days a week.

Finally, it may be useful to follow a general toning program that includes the use of naturally charged exercises, isotonic equipment or free weights depending on the subject's experience and preferences. Even in these cases it is important not to overdo it, using light loads for a number of repetitions that, although high, do not excessively strain the muscle.

At the end of the session, stretching combined with respiratory control exercises performed with the legs up high, favors venous return and elimination of the toxins produced.

The diet and physical activity illustrated in this article, together with cosmetic treatments and a general improvement in lifestyle, are very important for defeating cellulite and preventing its formation.

However, given the seriousness of the problem, it is important to use these weapons simultaneously. Only in this way will it be possible to obtain a clear improvement, not only aesthetic, but also physical and psychological.

Both in terms of diet and physical activity, it is necessary to proceed gradually. Excessive weight loss or rapid muscle decay can even highlight hated cellulite.