infectious diseases

Is it possible that HIV is transmitted with tattoos?

The risk of contracting HIV infection during the execution of tattoos and body piercing is associated with failure to comply with the hygiene and health regulations of the premises and equipment. It is, in fact, practices that pierce the skin and can facilitate any contact with infected blood. In fact, HIV and other infectious diseases, such as hepatitis B and C, can be transmitted through procedures that involve the use of contaminated needles and sharp instruments that are not adequately sterilized.

For this reason, the hygiene and professionalism of the tattoo artist are indispensable requirements, to be verified before proceeding with the realization of the work.

In all phases, operators must use gloves, pigment containers, flow and ink circuit / tubes, sharp instruments (eg razors) and disposable needles to be replaced for each customer. The head and the support for the needles must be sterile, as well as the ink and water (if the pigment is diluted). After use, disposal of the material used for tattooing must be appropriate. Finally, the premises must be clean and in good hygienic conditions.