heart health

Postoperative hospitalization after total artificial heart implantation

The total artificial heart is a mechanical device designed to replace a person's true heart when he suffers from late-stage heart failure .

Surgery for his implant is a very delicate procedure, which can last from 5 to 9 hours and can even require a month of hospitalization .

But what exactly happens after the intervention and up to the resignation?


The operation is highly debilitating, therefore, after the operation, the patient needs a support for breathing . This situation can last even for a whole day and implies a state of complete unconsciousness, the continuous monitoring of vital parameters by the medical staff, artificial nutrition and the use of a bladder catheter for the elimination of urine.

At the first signs of recovery, the patient is woken up without, however, interrupting artificial nutrition and using the bladder catheter. His transfer from the intensive care unit to a traditional recovery room takes place a few days after the operation and only if the patient's condition is good and stable.

As the situation improves, the patient can begin to get out of bed (which means he can "get rid" of the bladder catheter), walk for a few minutes, eat normally, etc.

It is at this time that specialized doctors and nurses teach him how to behave in resignations and how to avoid the malfunction of the total artificial heart implanted in him.