
How much does a liter weigh?

How to calculate the weight of a liquid

The liter, with its multiples and submultiples, represents one of the many units of measurement of volume, not weight. The value that relates these two physical quantities (weight and volume) is called density.

The density of a certain substance, be it solid, liquid or gaseous, tells us the weight of a certain volume of this substance.

The density or density of a body (often indicated by the symbol ρ or even δ ) is defined as the ratio between the mass of the body and the volume of the same body.

If m is the mass and V the volume is therefore:

ρ = m / V

According to the international system of units of measurement (SI), density is measured in g / cm3, which equals ag / mL.

Knowing the density of a substance it is therefore very simple to calculate its weight (more correctly called mass):

m (g) = ρ (g / mL) * V (mL)

Automatic online calculation

The following module allows to calculate the weight of a liter of various substances; for the conversion of the various volume units (liters, cubic centimeters, cubic milliliters, etc.), refer to this article.

PLEASE NOTE: In general, the density depends on the temperature, as the volume of a substance varies with the temperature. For example, the volume of hot air is higher than that of cold air, which is heavier and denser for this; a liter of water weighs exactly one kg at a temperature of 4 ° C, while it tends to weigh less as the temperature rises.