infectious diseases

Cold Hands and Cold Feet


When the mercury column drops excessively due to natural or artificial causes - for example during the winter and in environments where the air conditioning is too high - feeling cold in the hands and feet is a rather common symptom. It is true, however, that some people in excellent health suffer from low temperatures more than others.


When the temperature drops

When the outside temperature drops too low, the small arteries that flow near the skin surface shrink to limit the dispersion of heat (in these cases we speak of vasoconstriction or vasospasm). This defense - in addition to making the body extremes (hands and feet) cold - also accentuates the pallor.

When practicing sports during the winter months, especially cycling, the feeling of cold in the hands and feet can become particularly annoying. Also in this case the fault is the reduced supply of blood, which is conveyed from the extremities to the muscles involved in the athletic gesture.

Possible causes of a pathological nature

In some cases, cold hands may be the expression of certain pathologies that excessively decrease blood flow to these body regions. This is the case, for example, of Raynaud's syndrome, which can be treated - look at random - with vasodilator drugs. Natural vasodilators are alcohol, herbal remedies based on ginko biloba leaves and hot pepper, while coffee and smoke tend to have opposite effects. When exposed to low temperatures, the extremities of a person affected by Raynud's syndrome appear cold, bluish, aching and numb, sometimes trembling. This disease mainly affects women aged between 20 and 40 years.

Cold hands and feet can also be an expression of reduced thyroid function ( hypothyroidism ); in this case they are accompanied by increased suffering at low temperatures, pallor, chronic weakness, weight gain and other characteristic symptoms.

The sensation of cold on the feet is typical of peripheral arterial disease, a condition in which the lumen of the arteries is notably narrow due to the presence of fatty plaques (see atherosclerosis). In this case cold hands and feet are typically associated with erectile dysfunction and intermittent lameness.

The sensation of cold at the bodily extremities is common among patients on beta-blocker therapy.

Tips and Remedies

Some tips for those who suffer from cold hands and feet: avoid smoking and coffee, do not manipulate frosty objects with bare hands, when in cold environments, occasionally move the fingers and toes to reactivate the circulation, avoid wearing socks that are too tight and protect yourself with appropriate clothing.

For further information: All remedies for cold hands and feet ยป