
Hair loss

Why does hair fall out?

The life cycle of the hair involves the alternation of three phases, one of growth, one of rest, and one of fall. The average duration of this cycle varies from 2 to 7 years. It is therefore estimated that each hair follicle produces about 20 hairs over the course of its life.

The number of hair that fell during the day is variable and depends on numerous factors such as:

  • sex (the fall is greater in men than in women)
  • the season (fall and spring fall)
  • health conditions (the use of certain drugs and some diseases can accelerate the fall)
  • washing and brushing (mechanical trauma facilitates hair detachment)
  • density of hair (the more hair you have and the greater the fall in absolute terms)
  • genetics (some subjects are genetically predisposed to falling).

For informational purposes only, without this data being a rule, a drop of more than 100 hairs per day for a few weeks is an indication of hair suffering. In these cases it is advisable to consult a specialized doctor who is able to assess and resolve the situation. To learn more: how much hair falls in a day?

The importance of the trichological examination at a young age, even before the first symptoms of thinning manifest themselves, is essential to receive appropriate indications on the most suitable products for your type of hair. In recent years, trichology (the science that studies the anatomy, the physiology of hair and hair) has made numerous steps forward and can now offer numerous solutions that can block or counteract the fall. Just as for a physical well-being, it is necessary to choose a graduate motor sciences professional and with the appropriate professional certifications, the choice of the trichologist must fall on qualified professionals specialized in dermatology. So beware of false experts, able to economically exploit the psychological drama of those who are losing their hair.

Stadiums and Classification of Baldness

In 1951, Dr. James B. Hamilton elaborated a scale for the classification of androgenetic baldness (see: Baldness and bodybuilding), later taken up and adapted by Norwood.

As can be seen by observing the various images, androgenetic baldness progressively progresses, first of all affecting some genetically predisposed areas.

However, there are cases in which androgenetic baldness affects a large area of ​​the scalp homogeneously. Ludwig developed a three-stage scale to describe this phenomenon, which is more common in female subjects.


The remedies used to combat baldness are numerous and range from the use of simple lotions to the administration of real drugs (finasteride, minoxidil). Massages, laser therapies, phototherapies and cryotherapies are some examples of the numerous techniques now available in modern hair care centers. When the problem is particularly marked and as such irreversible, the modern techniques of hair transplantation are able to offer aesthetic results of all respect. Prevention, however, continues to play an essential role against hair loss. Briefly, we say that it is important to follow a series of hygienic rules, such as avoiding drastic diets and eating healthy, protecting your hair from the sun and tanning lamps, not smoking and also avoiding passive smoking. Finally, washing hair often (at least 3 times a week, but even more often if it is fat) does not accentuate, but often prevents, hair loss.

To know more

The problem of the fall

  • Androgenetic alopecia
  • Female androgenetic alopecia
  • Alopecia areata
  • How many hairs are lost per day?

Solutions against hair loss

  • Hair Massage - Benefits, Technique and Lotions
  • Hair transplant
  • Medications and Hair
  • Medicines for the treatment of Alopecia
    • Finasteride
    • Minoxidil
    • Azelaic acid
  • Caffeine shampoo
  • Hair masks
  • Alopecia: natural remedies
    • Green tea against hair loss
    • Chili pepper against hair loss
  • Hair regrowth
  • Diet for healthier hair
    • Hair supplements
    • Vitamins and Hair
  • Hair health: truth and popular beliefs