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Radio and ulna: posterior view Amigdala Anatomy and exercises for arms and legs Anatomy and exercises for thighs and buttocks Hip and femur: posterior view, origins and muscular insertions Anus Abdominal Aorta Ascending Aorta Female Genital Apparatus Female Reproductive System Artery Artery Joints : structure anatomy Armpit Axes and planes of the human body Astragalus (Bone) Calcaneus Nipples - Structure, Functions and Diseases Radial Capital: What is it? Anatomy, Function and Fractures Carpus - Bones of the Carpus Knee Cartilage Ankle Cervix or cervix Classification of the muscles Clavicle Clavicle origins and muscle and ligament insertions Coccyx Colon Coronary: What are they? Anatomy: Origin and Course; Functions; Pathologies Body Callosum Human Body Skull Skin anatomy Dermatomers Diaphragm: the muscle of serenity Intervertebral disc Fingers: What and What Are They? Anatomy, Function and Major Pathologies Eminence Tenar Hemorrhoids: Anatomy Epiglottis Epistrophy: What is it? Anatomy, Ossification, Function and Ethmoid Pathologies: What is it? Phalanges Anatomy, Ossification, Function and Pathologies: What is it? Anatomy: Subdivisions, Muscles and Vases; Function; Femur Pathologies Dimples of Venus: What Are They? Why do they form? Frenulo Endocrine Glands Exocrine Glands Bartholin's Glands - Functions and Jugular Disorders - Jugular Veins Glans: What is it? Anatomy, Function and Diseases Glottis The skeletal muscle Ilio Ilo Pulmonary: What is it? Anatomy and Function Digital Footprint Muscle innervation and sarcoplasmic reticulum Hypothalamus: What is it? Anatomy, Characteristics, Functions and Pathologies The scapula: origins and muscular insertions. Larynx Lips: What is it? Anatomy: Seat, Cartilage, Ligaments and Vocal Cords; Functions; Ankle Ligaments Anterior Cruciate Ligament Ligaments: What is it? Anatomy, Function and Pathologies Levers and musculoskeletal system Axillary lymph nodes Inguinal lymph nodes Neck lymph nodes Brain lobe Frontal lobe Temporal lobe Ischiocrural muscles Long abductor muscle of thumb Short abductor muscle Long abductor muscle Muscle Biceps Muscle Brachial Muscle Biceps Muscle Deltoid muscle Inferior Posterior Muscle Inferior Toothed Muscle Inferior Scapula Elevating Muscle Extensor Inch Short Muscle Extensor Muscle Common in Fingers Extensor Inch Muscle Long Inch Extensor Right Little Finger Extensor Muscle Extensor Ulnar Carpus Muscle Flexor Muscle Flexor Deep Flexor Muscle Flexor Radial of the Carpus Surface Flexor Muscle of the Fingers Flexor Muscle Carpus Ulnar Gastrocnemius Muscle Gracilis Muscle Great Tooth or Toothed Anterior Muscle Large Adductor Muscle Large Dorsalis Muscol Large Large Muscle Muscle Psoas Large Muscle Psoas Muscle Muscle Pleas Muscle Muscle Muscle Muscle Muscle Muscle Muscle Muscle Muscle Muscle Muscle Muscle Muscle Muscle Ponsus Muscle Muscle Round Quadriceps Muscle Rectus Abdominis Muscle Sartorio Muscle Semimembranosus Muscle Semitendinosus Muscle Soleus Muscle Underexpusal Muscle Supraspinator Sternocleidomastoid Muscle Supinator Muscle Tensor Tissue Muscle Lata Tibial Muscle Anterior Tibial Muscle Posterior Muscle Trapezius Muscle Triceps Sura Muscle Tricep Muscle Intermediate Muscle Broad Side Lateral Muscle Broad Medial Malleolus Mandible Meningi: What Are They? Anatomy, Function and Pathologies of Dura Madre, Aracnoide and Pia Madre Menisco Mediale: What is it? Anatomy, Function and Diseases Metacarpus - Metacarpals Metatarsus Muscles of the Arm Muscles of the Human Body Muscles of the Human Body - Anatomy - Muscles of the Forearm Thigh Muscles Leg Muscles Muscles of Breathing Muscles innervated by nerves originating from the lumbar and metamer muscles bust Muscle muscle of the hip Forearm motor muscle Muscle muscle of the leg Motor muscle of the shoulder and arm Pennate muscle Posterior hip muscle MUSCLE BRACHIORDAIALE Smooth muscle Square muscle of the neck Nose Cranial nerves: What are they? Anatomy, Characteristics and Functions Spinal Nerves Crural Nerve Nerve Frenus Nerve Median Nerve Pudendus Nerve Nerve Sciatic Nerve Trigeminal Nerve Ulnar Nerve Nervus Vagus Eye Anatomy and Physiology Navel Omero Homer and Scapula: Anterior View, Origins and Muscular Scapula: Anterior View, Origins and muscle insertions. Bones of the Basin Bones of the Arm. Bones of the Foot. Bones of the Leg. Bones of the Hand. Iliac Bone. Bone. Hygius. Occipital Bone. Sacred Bone. Temporal Bone. Ovaries. Muscle. Small Round Palate. Hard Palate and Soft Palate. Anatomy, Function and Pathology Palate: What is it? Anatomy, Subdivisions, Functions and Disorders Pelvis Perone Tibial Plate Willis Polygon Foot - Circle of Willis Pulse - How It Is Done and How It Works Position of the Foreskin Liver: What is it? Anatomy, Function, Pathologies and Circumcision Pubs Quadrants and Abdominal Regions: Epigastrium, Hypochondrium Quiz Functional Anatomy Quiz Functional Anatomy Muscles Quiz General Anatomy Quiz General Anatomy I General Anatomy Quiz II Anatomy II Quiz Anatomy Quiz - Origins and Muscle Insertions Rectus Femoral Rotula or Patella Sacco Durale: What is it? Anatomy and Function. Pathologies and Clinical Use Scafoide Scapula Paranasal Breasts Sphenoid: What is it? Anatomy (Location and Characteristics), Function and Clinical Use Symphysis Pubic Symphysis Shoulder Sternum Stomach Stomach: anatomy and physiology Subclavian artery Subclavian artery Supine, supine position, supination Tarsus - Tarsus bones - Tarsus bones: What is it? Anatomy, Function, Pathologies and Clinical Use Achilles tendon: What is it? Anatomy and Functions. Pathologies: Tendonitis and Tibia Tibia and Perone Rupture: What Are They? Anatomy, Function, Ossification and Fractures Femoral Triangle - Shoe Triangle Trochanteric Trochite Humoral Celiac Trunk Montgomery Tubercules Carpal Tunnel Turbines Ulna Ulna and Radio Vena Azygos - Vein Azigos Vena cava Vein Safena Veins of the Arm Veins: Anatomy Cerebral Vertebrae: What They Are ? Anatomy, Function and Pathologies Thoracic Vertebrae: What Are They? Anatomy, Function and Pathologies

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