
Zeolite: What is it? What is it for? Features and uses as Natural Remedy of I.Randi


Zeolite is the common name used to indicate different types of minerals with crystalline and microporous structures .

More precisely, the term zeolite - or plural " zeolites " - is used to indicate a family composed of a vast number of minerals, of both natural and synthetic origin, which find application in numerous fields, from the petrochemical industry to the production of detergents, from agriculture to construction, from water softening to inorganic synthesis and scientific research.

In addition to these already numerous uses, the use of zeolite has a certain reputation even in the vast world of natural remedies, where it is used to purify the body of toxins, heavy metals, toxic and radioactive substances, even if the studies conducted on the subject they are not sufficient to establish whether such applications are really useful and free of dangers.

During the article, we will focus in particular on this last use of zeolite, paying particular attention to the effectiveness and safety of this particular natural remedy.

What is that

What is Zeolite?

As usual, the term zeolite is used to indicate a large family of minerals whose origin can be natural or synthetic and whose use and field of application may vary depending on the characteristics of the same mineral.

However, it is possible to state that zeolites are generally constituted by a crystalline and porous structure based on aluminosilicate .

The aforementioned porous structure typical of minerals grouped under the name zeolite is capable of accommodating various ions with positive charge (cations), such as for example Na +, Ca2 +, Mg2 +, K +, etc. Thanks to this particular characteristic, the zeolite is endowed with ionic exchange properties which allow its use in numerous areas: industrial, chemical, biological, scientific research, etc. However, it is important to point out that in the industrial, chemical and research fields, mainly synthetic zeolites are used, which perform better than natural ones and are created to meet the specific needs of the area in which they will be used.


The name "zeolite" derives from the Greek ζέω - zeo, boil - and λίθος - lithos, stone - and means " boiling stone ". This singular name was coined by the Swedish chemist and mineralogist Axel Fredrik Cronstedt after having noticed the leakage of water vapor following the heating of the mineral in question, generated by the evaporation of the water contained in the porous structure of the zeolite.

Zeolite Natural Remedy

Zeolite as a food supplement

In the health sector, zeolite is used in food supplements as a natural remedy for detoxifying the body and the digestive tract, in order to remove toxins, heavy metals, free radicals or other harmful substances that may have accumulated in the body .

In detail, within the aforementioned supplements, the mineral used is a zeolite of natural origin called clinoptilolite . It is present in these products in powder form, or inside capsules or tablets to be taken orally.

Clinoptilolite Zeolite for External Use

Clinoptilolite zeolite is also used externally, usually in powder form, to alleviate the symptoms of skin diseases and disorders such as eczema, acne, dermatitis and psoriasis .


Properties attributed to the Clinoptilolite Zeolite

Thanks to its widely confirmed absorbent, adsorbing, chelating and ion- exchange properties, the clinoptilolite zeolite is attributed, as a consequence, the ability to purify the body of harmful substances accumulated in it through their entrapment within its porous structure. In fact, according to producers and supporters of this natural remedy - once taken orally - the zeolite would be able to bind, chelate or exchange with the cations contained in it, heavy metals, toxins, free radicals and other potentially harmful substances.

Furthermore, the clinoptilolite zeolite used externally is attributed with haemostatic and healing properties, partially confirmed by some studies conducted in vitro and on animal models.

In addition to what has been said so far, according to its supporters, clinoptilolite zeolite would also be able to:

  • Exercise immunostimulant activities;
  • Exercise antioxidant activity (due to its supposed ability to absorb free radicals);
  • Combat tiredness;
  • Increase physical endurance;
  • Increase mental performance.

However, the activities reported in the above bulleted list do not seem to be plausible since there is no scientific evidence on the subject.

Please note

Many argue that the oral intake of clinoptilolite zeolite is able to increase efficacy and reduce the side effects of anticancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. However, these alleged properties have not been confirmed and, on the contrary, there is the potential risk that the mineral in question interferes with the absorption of antineoplastic drugs administered to the patient.

For this reason, if you are undergoing chemotherapy and / or radiation treatments, before taking clinoptilolite zeolite in any form, it is absolutely necessary to consult your doctor .

Uses and Mode of Use

Uses and Correct Use of the Clinoptilolite Zeolite

Clinoptilolite zeolite in the form of a dietary supplement is used to purify the body of potentially harmful substances (heavy metals, toxins, free radicals, etc.) both of an exogenous nature (deriving, for example, from environmental pollution, from intake of drugs, etc.) and endogenous (produced following the normal metabolic processes taking place in the body).

However, to detoxify the body, the clinoptilolite zeolite is taken orally . Capsules and tablets should be swallowed whole with a significant amount of water (some producers recommend a glass of full water - about 150 ml - for each capsule or tablet ingested); while the clinoptilolite powdered zeolite should be previously suspended in water and then drunk (also in this case, the amount of water must be generous).

To alleviate the symptoms of skin disorders and diseases - such as psoriasis, eczema, acne, etc. - the clinoptilolite zeolite is applied to the skin after having created a sort of paste by mixing some powdered mineral with small amounts of water.

As far as the dosage is concerned, this is usually shown on the packaging of the product to be used. In any case, the use should be carried out only for short periods of time.

Please note

Since the aforementioned applications of clinoptilolite zeolite have not been officially approved, it is advisable to consult your doctor before taking or applying on the skin the above mentioned mineral in any form.


Clinoptilolite Zeolite interactions with Drugs, Foods, Drinks or Other Substances

Given its absorbent, adsorbent and chelating properties, clinoptilolite zeolite has the potential to hinder the absorption of any drug taken orally or applied to the skin at the same point where the mineral is then applied. For this reason, some manufacturers recommend taking clinoptilolite zeolite at least two hours after taking any type of medication.

In addition, some producers also advise against the oral intake of mineral water in conjunction with alcoholic beverages, coffee and acidic beverages, such as lemon juice, grapefruit or orange juice and pineapple juice.

Side effects

Side effects caused by the Clinoptilolite Zeolite

Although it is a natural remedy, the use of clinoptilolite zeolite - especially internal - can cause serious side effects. In detail, headaches, nausea and nervousness may occur.

Did you know that ...

Several producers and supporters of the purification capacities of clinoptilolite zeolite state that the aforementioned side effects are attributable to the detoxifying action of the mineral and to the "mobilization" of the toxins it puts into effect. However, since this statement appears to be devoid of any scientific basis, if undesired effects occur after taking the mineral in question, it is necessary to stop using it and contact your doctor . In this regard, the invitation to consult this healthcare figure is renewed, however, BEFORE starting any treatment based on clinoptilolite zeolite.

Other side effects, the consequences of which can also be serious if not treated, are represented by constipation and intestinal blockage . These are undesirable effects that occur especially when the clinoptilolite zeolite is taken in excessive doses, for prolonged periods of time and / or if the intake is not accompanied by a correct fluid intake. This is why it is always advised to take the product with generous amounts of water and to maintain the right degree of hydration during the day and throughout the treatment period.


When the Clinoptilolite Zeolite should NOT be taken

Generally, the use of clinoptilolite zeolite - in particular, orally - is not indicated in people suffering from renal insufficiency, in children, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding .

Furthermore, although not specified by the sources consulted, it is plausible to assume that this product should not be taken in the presence of constipation or intestinal blockage.

At the same time, it is reasonable to think that the mineral should not be used if you are undergoing any type of pharmacological treatment, in order to avoid the onset of possible interactions or to reduce the effectiveness of the pharmacological treatment.

In any case, given the limited information on the safe use of zeolite, it is advisable to consult your doctor before using the mineral in question, especially if you are suffering from disorders or diseases and / or if you are doing special treatments.

Effectiveness and Security of Use

Is Clinoptilolite Zeolite really Effective and Safe to Use?

The producers declare that the clinoptilolite zeolite contained in their food supplements and products is absolutely effective and non-toxic, as it is not absorbed in the intestine . Although this last statement regarding intestinal absorption can be considered true, on the basis of the data collected so far it is not yet possible to state with absolute certainty that the zeolite is devoid of any type of toxicity or danger.

On the other hand, it is also true that the clinoptilolite zeolite has chelating, absorbent and adsorbent properties and that, therefore, once assumed, it could in some way be able to bind and trap unwanted substances accumulated in its porosity. inside the body. Despite this, the problem lies in a lack of certain clinical evidence . In fact, currently the researches carried out to evaluate a potential therapeutic use of the aforementioned mineral have been carried out mostly in vitro or on animal models and - although they have produced encouraging results - they are not able to confirm the efficacy and safety of use of the Clinoptilolite zeolite in humans for the above applications.

Hopes for the Future

Potential Future Uses of Clinoptilolite Zeolite in Medical Field

Given the interesting properties of clinoptilolite zeolite, several studies have been carried out to investigate and identify further uses, including medical ones. In this regard, an interesting study has analyzed the potential ability of binding zeolite and - following ingestion - to release functional substances, drugs or other molecules exploited in the therapeutic field in the body. A pilot study conducted on animals, however, concluded that clinoptilolite zeolite - by virtue of its ion exchange capacity and its chelating properties - could potentially be exploited to reduce total cholesterol levels and LDL levels in dyslipidemic subjects.

Although the first results obtained seem to be rather encouraging, more in-depth research is still needed to establish whether clinoptilolite zeolite can be used - effectively and in complete safety - in the future as a drug delivery and release system within the human body or as potential alternative therapy for dyslipidemia .

Other Uses

Other uses of the Clinoptilolite Zeolite

Clinoptilolite zeolite finds numerous applications even outside of the health sector and natural remedies. More in detail, the mineral in question is also used:

  • As an additive in feeds for pigs, poultry and rabbits.
  • In fertilizers used in agriculture.
  • In aquarium filters.
  • Inside laundry detergent.
  • Inside the litter for domestic animals (for example, cat litter), in order to favor the absorbent capacity and to keep under control unpleasant odors.