
Find the time ... do yourself this favor!

By Dr. Marco Martone

My work, beyond pure practice in physically training people, also consists in understanding the ever-changing needs of every single person. I therefore find myself asking specific questions to understand the different times and the different psychophysical responses that each person has. A statistically significant figure, which comes out of the interviews I carry out on people, is that today there is never enough time to devote to our care. You don't have time to train, you don't have time to prepare decent meals, you don't have time to relax, and I could go on and on, listing how many things we can't afford, in this society, for lack of time.

The incredible thing is that by analyzing how we spend our time, it turns out that today, to say - "I have no time" - does not mean literally not to have, but that time that we could devote to our care we prefer to pour it on to other things. Unfortunately, even very trivial. In fact, today compared to many years ago, the things you can do in one day have increased exponentially thanks to the technology that made the activities of the past, which required an enormous amount of time, incredibly simple and fast. A publicity note read the following slogan: "Life is made of priorities", and believe me there is nothing more true. I would add that life is made by the choices we all make every day, for example, how to spend our time, with whom to spend it, how to spend our money and so on. The thing that has to get into your head is that today, even with the thousands of confusing choices we can make, we can still choose our destiny, so choose where to go and what to do. Why all this sermon? Ok, I'm coming to the point. Hands up who among you is not aware that eating healthy and doing regular physical activity is good for our health and extends life.

I'm sure no one raised their hand, the benefits are now clear, studied and confirmed. So I can't explain why, from recent statistics, only a very low percentage of people are dedicated to their own well-being by making the right choices. I don't think there is anything more important in everyone's life than being healthy and in good health. Indeed, I believe that everything else comes later.

Do you agree with me? I'm sure! Then you also agree that saying you have no time to train and eat healthy is a colossal excuse.

Your personal health should be your main guiding value.

The latter by definition is what we believe to be of greater importance and of higher interest in our lives. Each of us has different guiding values ​​to which he relies day by day to make the most appropriate choices and in harmony with his own being. For example: being honest is a value that guides us in the right direction and avoids us from doing dishonest actions. Too bad, however, that this guiding value is not present in all of us otherwise we would live in a paradise. It is therefore clear that different individuals have different values, but if I insist on this concept it is because I believe that the "health" value must be everyone's life excluded. Remember? There is nothing more important than feeling good and feeling good. A famous law of responsibility states: "You are at the point where you are and you are what you are only because of yourself. You are totally responsible for what you are, for all that you have and that you will become". Plan your day in a simple and orderly way, eliminate futile things, stay in tune with the "health" guiding value and find time to dedicate to yourself. Believe me it's not difficult, just want it!