
Minestrone calories

Minestrone is a culinary preparation of variable composition, generally prepared by boiling over a low heat - in cooking water enriched with stock cubes - vegetables cut into more or less coarse pieces. Depending on the recipe, various types of ingredients can be added to the minestrone, such as potatoes, legumes, pork rinds, fried foods etc. Like the composition, the calories of the minestrone also vary significantly in relation to the ingredients used.

Often, the minestrone is proposed as a low-calorie food and basic dish of the "famous" minestrone diets; in reality, without precise indications on its preparation, a large variance of caloric intake is inevitable. This type of diet also promotes rapid but fictitious and transient weight losses, due to the infamous yo-yo effect, so after a rapid weight loss (due mainly to water and protein losses), there is an equally rapid increase in weight (due to the consequent decrease in basal metabolism and to the psychological and physical unsustainability of the diet).

To calculate, with the necessary approximations, the calories of the minestrone, it is sufficient to select the various ingredients from the drop-down menu, specifying the added quantities each time.