
Muscle anatomy articles

In this section you will find:

Anatomy and functional anatomy of the main muscles of the body, with respective images.

In the resource area you will have in-depth information and quizzes to evaluate and deepen your knowledge on the subject


Transverse abdomen, obliques, square of loins, iliac ...


Triceps, biceps brachialis, coracobrachialis, anconeus, deltoid ...


Quadriceps semitendinosus biceps femoris, gastrocnemius soleus ...


Large dorsal, anterior dentate, trapezius, large pectoralis ...


The levers and the human body

Axes and planes of the body

Respiratory muscles

Muscles innervated by nerves originating from the lumbar and sacral metamers

Clavicle: muscle and ligament origins and insertions

The scapula: origins and muscular insertions

Homer and scapula: origins and muscular insertions

Hip and femur: origins and muscular insertions

Posterior view of the radius and of the right ulna forearm

Anatomy Quiz (advanced)

Anatomy Quiz (beginner)

Functional anatomy quiz

Functional anatomy quiz

Motor muscles of the shoulder

Forearm motor muscles

Motor muscles of the bust

Motor muscle of the hip

Motor muscles of the leg

Posterior muscles of the hip Ischiocrural muscles

Common muscle weaknesses, risks, prevention

Meniscus anatomy

Anatomy and physiology of the colon