
Herbal tea for cough - cough tea

The anti-cough herbal tea proposed in this article exploits the expectorant, secretolytic and secretomotor properties of a mixture of vegetable drugs. It is therefore a useful remedy especially in the presence of fat cough.

The first active ingredient of this herbal tea is ivy, whose leaves have expectorant, antispasmodic and mucolytic properties. Not surprisingly, the German E commission recommends the ivy for phlegm and for the symptomatic treatment of chronic respiratory tract diseases. The same applies to the thyme, a drug with essential oils with a direct expectorant effect, anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic and antitussive; due to its properties, it is recommended by the German E commission in cases of bronchitis, phlegm and whooping cough.

Two other functional ingredients of this herbal tea are eucalyptus and licorice; to the first properties similar to the thymus are ascribed, with which it also shares mild antiseptic activities. Once again, the German E commission recommends eucalyptus and its oil for treating bronchial catarrh. For licorice, on the other hand, in addition to the corrective function of taste, expectorant and mucolytic properties have been demonstrated, with an increase in bronchial secretion and transport of mucus to the outside.

The last ingredient, the poppy, is the father of codeine and dextromethorphan, two powerful antitussives widely used in registered medicinal specialties; the action of poppy petals in this sense has never been fully demonstrated, but it is also true that the drug recognizes a very wide popular use and has no noteworthy contraindications.

By virtue of the ingredients used, this herbal tea for cough should be taken only for limited periods (not exceeding 4-6 weeks), with particular caution in the following cases: use of thiazide diuretics, liver diseases, inflammatory diseases of the intestinal tract and children of age less than two years.

Ivy (leaves)5 g
Timo (aerial parts)30 g
Eucalyptus (aerial parts)10 g
Licorice (root)40 g
Poppy (petals)15 g

Note: the drugs used in this anti-cough tea must be properly minced in the so-called "herbal tea". The infusion is prepared by pouring 150 ml of boiling water per tablespoon of the mixture and leaving it to rest in a covered container for 10-15 minutes; it is advisable to take the herbal tea against the cough while still hot, three times a day.