
Why wait in April?

Edited by Fabio Mosso

The uselessness of starting to train before the summer for the costume test !!!

"Hi, I have to lose at least five pounds before the summer !!"

How many times have you heard this sentence around April, May or worse in June at any fitness center?

A clear recurrent phenomenon in this period is the wave of inscriptions in the gyms of people who throughout the winter have only thought about gobbling up so-called "junk" foods, sitting on the sofa in front of the television and using the car just to go to buy bread in the market behind the house.

Unbalanced diet and physical inactivity: these are the two fundamental principles on which the philosophy of life of these subjects is based for most of the year.

Habits of this type inevitably involve, in addition to an increase in body weight (all at the expense of the fat mass), a deficit also for what concerns the physical form: it is accused of having great difficulty in taking a short walk or even climbing a few steps, thus increasing over time the risk of cardiovascular problems (cardiac fatigue and poor blood circulation), skeletal tissue (joint and spine problems) and muscle tissue with consequent hypotonicity and poor muscle strength, causes of the most common and known pain: back pain, neck pain and so on and so forth, not to mention postural problems.

Those who risk the most are workers who spend most of their time sitting (employees, drivers, etc.) or standing (cashiers, shop assistants, bartenders, etc.).

These subjects, at the first experience in the gym, necessarily start from a basic training level, so called "BEGINNER", therefore with a fairly bland initial course aimed at learning movements with correct postures and with a slight impact with gradual increase in the cardio area (treadmill, bike, stepper etc). A first approach that is certainly not performing.

Another fundamental point that everyone ignores is knowing that long-term training determines a major modification on:

BASAL METABOLISM: the increase of the lean mass and the effect of the EPOC "EXTRA CONSUMPTION OF OXYGEN POST EXERCISE" determine an increase in the basal metabolism thus causing a greater caloric expenditure, prolonged even after the end of the training, and favoring lipolysis .

ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: a planning program of lasting training over time in a MACROCYCLE promotes the release of catecholamines, ADRENALINE and NORADRENALINE and hormones such as TESTOSTERONE and GH which cause an increase in lean mass at the expense of fat.

CARDIOCIRCULATORY and cardiorespiratory system: a well organized macrocycle favors a decrease in heart rate and a more efficient vascularization with consequent greater blood and oxygen supply to all body districts or in those that are called into question during a physical performance, increasing their performance.

From the above it can be deduced that the setting of a correct and balanced annual MACROCYCLE allows:

get more lasting results over time!

Having a correct diet: resorting to drastic and useless diets allows a loss of weight, but all borne by the lean mass with the real risk at the end of the season of having the so-called yo-yo effect, regaining over that the old weight also a percentage of fat mass greater than at the beginning of work, since there is also a slowing down of basal metabolism.

-digit in a healthy way: training is a stimulus that determines stress for the organism that in turn needs the so-called period of supercompensation in order to recover and prepare to receive other sensitively more intense stimuli, thus having a gradual improvement and an adaptation positive for the type of work required.

Obviously it would be more appropriate to postpone the stress due to a workout aimed at weight loss or muscle development over a period of at least five or six months, such that it would be more convenient to start the relative activity in the period immediately following the end of the previous summer season .

The lack of wisdom expressed by those who are feverishly dedicated to a very stressful and unproductive activity during the summer season is therefore incongruous.