eye health

Foreign bodies in the eye: what to do

The penetration of a foreign body inside the eye can occur suddenly, manifesting itself with eye discomfort and pain, swelling and redness of the eyelid and reduced vision. The surgery depends on the type of body entered into the eye and the lesion it has caused.

Gnats, grains of sand and eyelashes, for example, if easily accessible, can be removed by gently using the corner of a clean handkerchief, after having wet it with mineral water and having widened the eyelids with the thumb and the index finger.

When it comes to small splinters of wood or glass that have damaged the cornea or have penetrated into other tissues of the eye, however, it is necessary to seek immediate medical attention. In an attempt to extract these bodies, in fact, there is a risk of worsening the situation, further tearing the lesion. While waiting for help, the injured person must avoid moving his eye; for this purpose, a gauze or a bandage can be placed on the injured eye without pressing, to keep the gaze in a fixed position, with the eyelids closed and firm.

If contact has been made with chemicals or irritants, the first step is to wash the eye thoroughly with cold water or saline solution for at least 10 minutes. The only exception is represented by lime, which must be removed from the eye as quickly as possible, without using water. In any case, chemical burns are a real eye emergency that can have serious repercussions on the eye, therefore they require immediate medical assistance.