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Pranotherapy is a form of alternative medicine that aims to treat various disorders through the simple laying on of hands .

Pranotherapy is practiced and practiced by the so-called pranotherapist or pranotherapist, sometimes also called " healer ".

The term pranotherapy is given by the union of the words " prana " (from the Sanskrit " breath of life ") and " therapy ". The concept of "prana" derives from the Hindu religion and indicates the vital energy that animates all things, including man.

In light of what has just been said, therefore, pranotherapy should aim to achieve the well-being of an individual more than anything else. In reality, however, various pranotherapists belonging to various associations (also present in Italy) propose pranotherapy as a real therapeutic practice capable of treating various disorders.

However, despite what the supporters of this practice asserted, the effectiveness of pranotherapy has not been scientifically proven and, for this reason, it is not accepted by modern medicine.

Please note

The practices described here are not accepted by medical science, they have not been subjected to experimental tests conducted with a scientific method or have not passed them, so these practices could be ineffective or even be dangerous to health .

The information given is for illustrative purposes only.

Basic Concepts

Concepts on which Pranotherapy is based

The criteria on which pranotherapy is based essentially revolve around prana, or the vital breath which - according to the Hindu religion from which this concept derives - is present and animates each organism, both healthy and sick.

According to the philosophy behind pranotherapy, the body would become ill due to alterations in an individual's energy levels. In other words, this alternative medicine states that most of the diseases that affect humans are caused by an imbalance of prana within patients.

Always according to the basics of pranotherapy, the healer is a person endowed with greater energy than other individuals and is able to identify the imbalances of prana present in sick people. Once these alterations have been identified, the pranotherapist would then be able to transfer part of his energy to the sick patient, thus bringing back the balance in the individual's prana and treating the disorder.

More in detail, pranotherapy states that the healer is able to transmit " bio-resonance " of electromagnetic fields in the form of biophotons at certain frequencies that may vary according to the disorder to be treated.


The concept of bioresonance belongs to the so-called moraterapia, ie an energetic "therapeutic" practice belonging to holistic medicine which, in turn, is part of the large group of alternative, non-scientific and unapproved medicines.

Biophotons between Science and Pseudoscience

Biophotons are really existing light quanta that are emitted by biological systems. The emission of photons by biological systems is a proven phenomenon known as " bioluminescence ".

Unfortunately, however, the concept of biophotons has been modified and adapted to the principles underlying pseudosciences and alternative medicines such as pranotherapy, within which it has taken on a completely different meaning. According to supporters of these pseudosciences, in fact, the presence of biophotons would allow the maintenance of the well-being of an organism, while their lack or lack thereof would favor the appearance of diseases and disorders. In short, the basic concept is the same as described for prana.

Of course, although the physical phenomenon of biophoton emission has actually been confirmed and demonstrated, modern medicine and science have absolutely not confirmed any healing properties deriving from these light quanta.

How it is performed

How to perform Pranotherapy

Pranotherapy is put into practice through the imposition of the therapist's hands on the patient's body at the area affected by the disorder to be treated.

Through this imposition, the prana would pass through the body of the pranotherapist - who then acts as a channel - to reach the patient's organism.

According to the above mentioned pranotherapy criteria, in fact, the healer is someone who has a higher vital energy than other individuals and that is why - through the laying on of hands - he should be able to transfer a part of it to the sick patient, in which, instead, the levels of the prana would be minor and unbalanced.

Treated Disorders

According to those who practice pranotherapy, there are many different types of disorders that can be treated, such as painful conditions of various kinds, inflammatory and degenerative processes (both acute and chronic), traumas, osteoarticular and muscular disorders, respiratory disorders, depression, states anxious and other psychological disorders.

However, despite what has been stated by supporters of pranotherapy, it is important to remember once again that there are no scientific studies able to confirm these supposed therapeutic activities.


Is Pranotherapy Effective?

Currently there is no scientific data able to confirm a possible efficacy of pranotherapy. It is believed, in fact, that the "healing" of the patient is due to the so - called placebo effect and that this effect, in turn, depends on the power of suggestion exercised by the pranotherapist on the patient.

In support of what has just been said, there is a lack of reliable data that can confirm the pranotherapist's ability to transmit any form of energy through the simple laying on of hands. Not to mention that this supposed energy that should be emitted from the hands of the healer is not capable of treating any kind of disorder or illness. In fact, we remember that the various pathologies that can afflict a patient have well-defined causes and notes that cannot in any way be connected to improbable drops in energy or prana, whose existence, however, has not been demonstrated in any way.

Therefore, in light of what has been said so far and given the lack of experiments and scientific evidence capable of proving a possible therapeutic capacity of pranotherapy, it is not possible to say that this practice is effective in treating disorders and diseases of any kind.

In this regard, we recall that, in the case of illnesses, disorders or particular symptoms, it is ALWAYS necessary to consult a doctor . Only a professional figure of this type is in fact able to perform a correct diagnosis and, consequently, to prescribe a suitable therapy .


Pranotherapy is not considered a medical treatment, nor is it believed that it can have therapeutic properties that can cure diseases.

However, there are several regions that have issued specific regional laws to regulate and regulate the exercise of what are called " bio-natural disciplines ", which also includes pranotherapy.

These laws, however, clearly state that these disciplines (pranotherapy included) should not be understood as health services used to treat morbid states and diseases, but as practices that could be useful to maintain a state of well-being already present in the body.


Since pranotherapy is not recognized by medicine and is by no means a medical therapy, the alternative name " prano-practice " has been proposed to identify it. This was done in order to avoid creating confusion in patients and in order to emphasize the non-belonging of pranotherapy to the health sector.