
Symptoms Indigestion

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Indigestion (or dyspepsia) indicates a sudden and transient disturbance of digestive functions, which implies a series of more or less severe symptoms. Often, it is one of the most immediate consequences of an overly substantial meal, especially if based on foods that are difficult to digest, such as fried foods, dips and fats. Excessive consumption of carbonated and alcoholic beverages can also be the basis for indigestion. Indigestion also causes the introduction of foods or drinks that are too hot or too cold or products that are not well chewed. Sometimes, the disturbance is due to the intake of "new" foods compared to one's habits. Even stress, some drugs (eg non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, iron, etc.) and cigarette smoking can predispose to digestive disorders.

If indigestion is not sporadic, but a recurring problem, it could signal the presence of more serious pathologies. In fact, it can also be found in the case of gastroesophageal reflux disease, cholecystitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer.

Most common symptoms and signs *

  • Halitosis
  • Heartburn
  • Conati
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Stomach cramps
  • Pain in the Stomach Mouth
  • Pain in the upper part of the abdomen
  • heartburn
  • Belching
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Heaviness in the stomach
  • Acid regurgitation
  • Inflated stomach
  • Cold sweating
  • He retched

Further indications

Symptoms usually appear one or two hours after a meal and are mostly at the top of the abdomen. When the stomach struggles to digest, in fact, it signals it in various ways, for example with pain (cramps, deaf or burning) and tension located in the upper part of the abdomen, but also with a sense of heaviness and burning in the stomach, regurgitation of juices acids, nausea, vomiting, halitosis and belching. These symptoms can be accompanied by cold sweats and headaches.

In case of sporadic indigestion, it is possible to use antacid drugs, able to neutralize the excess of gastric acids, promote digestion, and therefore relieve painful symptoms. If repeated frequently, your doctor may recommend specific and more potent medicines (such as proton pump inhibitors) after a careful examination and due examination.

To prevent indigestion, just follow a few simple rules: eat your meals in peace, chewing each bite well and avoiding binges.