
What are the risk factors for pancreatic cancer?

The factors that favor the appearance of pancreatic cancer - a very serious malignancy - have been widely studied.

A decisive influence on the development of the disease seems to have it:

Cigarette smoke . This risk factor favors a long series of other malignant tumors, above all lung cancer.

An unhealthy diet, rich in fat and meat . On the other hand, it seems that a healthy diet, consisting of fruits and vegetables, protects from the disease.

Obesity . According to several studies, overweight and especially obese people are more at risk of getting pancreatic cancer.

Chronic pancreatitis . It is a type of long-term inflammation of the pancreas that tends to worsen over time, in some cases, to the appearance of cancer.

Family history . According to some genetic studies, those who have (or have had) blood related pancreatic cancer patients are more likely to develop the same malignancy.

Advanced age . The risk of getting sick increases with age: in fact, most sufferers are aged 50 and over.

The influence that diabetes mellitus, excessive consumption of coffee and alcohol abuse may still have is uncertain. In fact, only part of the research carried out so far demonstrates a link between these conditions and the development of a malignant neoplasm of the pancreas.