urinary tract health

Chiluria - Causes and Symptoms


Chiluria consists of the presence of kilo in urine, which consequently appear dense, with a milky appearance and are released with difficulty.

The kilo is a lymph of intestinal origin full of fat, collected from the chiliferous vessels in the small intestine during the absorption of nutrients.

In most cases, this symptom indicates the presence of a lympho-urinary fistula, which connects the urinary excretory tract (from the renal pelvis to the bladder) with the lymphatic ducts and the retroperitoneal chiliferous system.

However, the most important cause of chyluria is Bancroft's filariasis, a parasitic disease that can cause obstruction of the abdominal lymphatics with lymphatic or chylous extravasation in various organs (peritoneum, bladder or urethra).

Chiluria can also have a traumatic, iatrogenic (as happens, for example, following extensive lymphadenectomy in urological surgery) and tumor origin.

The obstruction of the retroperitoneal lymphatic pathways can also be congenital (thoracic duct malformation).

Possible Causes * of Chiluria