
Black nails


Black nails not only express a typical symbol of Halloween or a characteristic sign of "Dark" fashion: in fact, black nails could detect a malfunction of the body, but not only. The phenomenon of black nails, in fact, can occur due to many other factors of varied origin and nature.

However, as soon as you notice chromatic alterations of the nails, it is a good rule to consult your doctor in order to exclude the presence of possible disorders or diseases, sometimes even very serious.

Black Nails and Sports

Black nails can be a consequence of the practice - especially if regular or competitive - of certain types of sports. In these cases, black nails usually appear due to repeated trauma.

A classic example of a sport that can lead to this unpleasant disturbance is running.

Among the runners, in fact, black nails represent a condition that occurs frequently, particularly affecting the nails of the toes.

The causes that cause this disorder are linked to injuries and traumas repeated over time: the small blood vessels found in the nail bed suffer damage, tearing; if the lesion is very intense, the hematic effusion could extend up to below the nail plate: consequently the nail appears black.

It is good to consider that it is not so much the race itself that causes the problem, but the use of unsuitable shoes, too tight or too big. If the shoe is too tight, the nail would be forced to go deep into the meat; vice versa, if the footwear were too large, the toes would be forced to move repeatedly, small traumas that added up over time could give rise to an evident hematoma.

Sometimes, the injuries reported are of such an entity as to cause the loss of the nail: in this case one should turn to an expert and, subsequently, wait for the nail to strengthen and grow back by itself. It is clear, therefore, that the choice of shoe is absolutely fundamental in sport, not only for practicing physical exercise at its best, but also for the well-being of feet and nails.


In addition to the repeated traumas caused by the use of inadequate footwear during sports, black nails can be the consequence of accidental traumas (violent bumps against something, closing of fingers in a door, falling of heavy objects, etc.). On the other hand, even the use of inadequate shoes during normal daily activities (and not only during physical activity) can lead to the appearance of this disorder.

Following the aforementioned traumas - which can affect both toenails and toenails - what is commonly referred to as "subungual hematoma" is created and which gives the typical black coloring to the nail. This coloration is caused by an accumulation of blood under the nail and is often associated with symptoms such as swelling and pain. Furthermore, in some cases the trauma could be so severe that it leads to the detachment of the affected nail (onycholysis).

Pathological Causes

However, black nails are not always the consequence of sports injuries or accidental traumas. Sometimes, the causes of this disorder can be pathological in nature and hide a rather serious clinical picture.

Bacterial and fungal infections are among the main pathological causes underlying the phenomenon of black nails. However, it is mycetes, usually, that are most responsible for nail infections ( onychomycosis ). In case of mycotic infections in progress the nails may be fragile, fall easily and appear green, yellow and / or black.

In addition to the infections that directly affect the nails, the cause of the black coloring of these skin appendages can be attributed to possible renal disorders or to malfunctions of the adrenal glands (as happens, for example, in Addison's disease).

Then there are more serious factors, such as melanomas (nail matrix cancer), which could cause the nails to progressively blacken up: in this case, the pharmacological treatment will be used to resolve the disease, while color correction of the nail, from black to rosy, will be the confirmation of having defeated melanoma.

Finally, we remind you that even taking some drugs can cause the chromatic alteration of the nail plate.


The treatment of black nails, of course, varies depending on the cause that caused their appearance.

In cases where the disorder is caused by trauma, it is usually recommended to apply ice, not so much to counteract the chromatic alteration, but to deflate the area and decrease the pain sensation. Over time, the hematoma will tend to reabsorb and the natural conditions of the nail will be restored.

If, on the other hand, black nails are the result of the use of unsuitable shoes (too wide or too narrow), then it is necessary to buy a shoe suitable for your foot and your needs.

In the case of onychomycosis, on the other hand, the intervention of the doctor is required who will prescribe the administration of antifungal drugs locally (medicated enamels or possibly creams) or systemically, depending on the severity and extent of the infection.

Finally, if the black nails represent the symptom or the consequence of a basic pathology, the resolution of the disorder is strictly connected to the treatment of the triggering disease. Therefore, even in these cases, medical intervention is absolutely necessary and fundamental.