nutrition and health

Flatulence and health - Putrefactive bacterial flora

The so-called putrefactive intestinal flora has the ability to digest proteins and small peptides that have escaped digestion and enteric absorption.

Putrefaction, not surprisingly, is the process of decomposition of proteins. Nor is it the fact that a high protein diet favors the development of a predominantly putrefactive intestinal flora.

The problems derive from the fact that, starting from proteins, these bacteria produce different substances (amines, ammonia, phenols, indoles); among these some (in particular amines) give flatulence an unpleasant smell (eg putrescine and cadaverine), while others are particularly toxic if not even carcinogenic.

Just think of the nitrosation reactions from which carcinogenic composites can be generated, such as nitroso-amines. This would explain why a diet rich in meat and low in fruit and vegetables is related to an increased risk of colorectal cancer.