
Modern etiquette: the basic rules for girls / images

Edited by Ivan Mercolini

Introduction to etiquette

Best wishes to all.

Try for a moment to close your eyes and think of a beautiful girl ... I can easily guess that you will imagine her with sinuous shapes, smooth alabaster skin, softness of peach, good tone, face with sweet and regular shapes, full lips, big nymph eyes, long straight and perfumed hair, and the smile of someone who has never known anything other than purity.

Now think of a handsome boy. Again, focus your image in your. mind. You will have a mesomorphic boy, 1.80 tall, with beautiful long and strong legs, tonic buttocks, chest shaved with a little abdomen on which drops of cologne slip. Gently prominent chest, broad shoulders, noticeable biceps even with extended limb, beautiful regular face with two-day beard, but neat, protruding cheekbones, clear eyes like ice but with a deep and sweet expression, freshly cut hair rising faded. Mahogany colored complexion.

Ivan Mercolini>

- author of the article -

Well. Dry the drool and open your eyes so we can move on. Now ... you have imagined the most beautiful boy and girl that your imagination can conceive. But you imagined them static, is it true? As if they were statues and not human beings. Eh, yes, typical. Instead I would like you to focus your attention on the fact that human beings are living creatures, throbbing, and therefore dynamic, with their load of actions, expressions, gestures, words, approaches, which also influence the global aesthetics of the subject.

What I want to tell you is that you can't conceive a beautiful boy without imagining his actions in everyday life, which must live up to the charm you intend to express.

A girl cannot be described as beautiful in the static conception alone, without evaluating its behavior, language and expressiveness. The media give us so many examples on this, is it true? How many beautiful girls you can see in the plasma latrine that, taken in their static pose, are beautiful, but as soon as they start talking or moving they also shock the devil.

This time we speak of modern etiquette, considering the meanings inherent to the themes treated by our team. site (fitness, wellness, beauty ...).

What is the GALATEO?
The demeanor, the greeting, the conversation
The etiquette in the gym
The clothing
Couple relationships
Final considerations

What is the GALATEO?

Let's start from its origins, briefly. "Il Galateo" in his first publication of 1558 was a short treatise, which gave lessons in good manners, customs and refinement, to the nobleman and the noblewoman of the time. The author was Giovanni Della Casa (born in Florence in 1503 and died in Rome at the age of 53), already known for the "Rime".

The title "Galateo" derives from the Latin "Galateus", meaning Galeazzo, baptismal name of the bishop mons. Florimonte to whom the work was dedicated. The purpose of the author, with this small work, was to teach the gentleman good behavior - obligatory - to be kept in everyday life. An upright behavior was an imperative duty for anyone who wanted to live in a respectable society.

All this series of rules, which ranged from courtship to the composition of the table, from the correct drafting of letters to the organization of marriage, from communication to demeanor, were dictated only externally clearly, but nevertheless important for sharing one's space well with others.

Della Casa's etiquette referred to the costumes of the 16th century. It is clear that several centuries have passed and many things have changed. But the substance, even today, is that of trying to frame the correct behaviors. Thus, sociologists, pedagogues, noblemen, masters of art and costumes are committed to proposing and teaching labels today and, to differentiate it from the sixteenth century, we will call it MODERN GALATEO or CONTEMPORARY GALATEO . Part of the customs change, but not the objectives: to form a better society that knows how to live with others and respect them, that knows how to transmit refinement and harmony in the eyes of the beholder. In this my new job I will deal with that branch of the label that interests readers and subscribers to this site. So I will not talk about the equipment of the table, the various cutlery, the organization of the wedding and more (leaving it only to the students if you have this curiosity). I will speak instead of the behavior to be kept in everyday life, in the gym, at the table, with the partner; I will talk about clothing, about gestures that should preferably keep a girl or image that wants to be defined as such, whether he is a professional or a simple lover.

"The beautiful and sensual SARA ERDAS, with a heart full of altruism"

I will not talk about obvious directives, which everyone knows and that are also taught in elementary or parish, because this treaty would otherwise be useless. Rather, I will make you focus on your daily gestures, on gestures, words, customs that you had not thought of up until now and which, on the other hand, could prove to be inappropriate.

I give a quick example to induce you to continue reading this my latest wordy essay. Let us think of how much of you you are reading with confidence, wish, during a second breakfast or lunch: "Buon Appetito". Well, this wish, for what was said naively with good intentions, is actually inconvenient. why? because today, as then, the gentleman and the lady must be balanced, sober and parks at the table as in other daily appointments. And sobriety means small meals, tastings. This is especially true if you aspire to be a model. And it is a perfectly matched directive with dietary advice, which invites small and simple frequent meals (4-5) throughout the day. The wish "Buon Appetito" is an invitation to binge, or at least underlies a copious meal and a "belly made me hut", absolutely kitsch practice for a gentleman and a lady or at least for those who aspire to enter the high society and / or to be a boy / girl in general.