respiratory health

Who is the pulmonologist?

Pneumology is the branch of internal medicine that studies the characteristics and methods of treatment of lung diseases and, more generally, of respiratory problems.

The pulmonologist, therefore, is an internist doctor specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the respiratory system, in particular the lungs.


It is good to consult a pneumologist in the event of:

  • Congenital diseases of the lungs. These include cystic fibrosis or pulmonary emphysema due to a lack of alpha 1-antitrypsin
  • Chest trauma with probable involvement of the lungs (for example pneumothorax).
  • Chronic pulmonary disorders. Asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are classic examples.
  • Acquired lung diseases, that is, developed over the course of a lifetime. Pneumoconioses (asbestosis, silicosis, etc.) are typical examples of this.
  • Respiratory tract infections (pneumonia, tracheitis, etc.).
  • Tumors in the respiratory tract, especially in the lung.
Furthermore, pulmonologists are called into question when a patient needs mechanical ventilation, when their opinion is needed on a doubtful chest X-ray, when there is a need to perform a spirometry or arterial blood gas analysis or if a bronchoscopy is required.