liver health

Calculations - Calculations

Calculus or Lithiasis

The calculosis, or lithiasis, is the presence of multiple calculi in the body, in particular in the lumen of hollow organs - such as kidney and gall bladder - in the biliary tract, in the urinary tract or in the glandular ducts.

What are the calculations?

The calculations (from the Latin calculus : pietruzza) are concretions of mineral salts and organic compounds, of variable number, size and composition.

What are Formats from?

The calculi that are deposited in the urinary tract (urinary calculosis) are usually composed of calcium and urate oxalates, while the biliary ones are generally formed by cholesterol, calcium salts and bile pigments in varying proportions.

Symptoms and Treatment

The calculosis becomes symptomatic when one or more stones significantly obstruct the outlet routes of the organ or gland ducts.

Generally, calculosis, if it does not resolve spontaneously and cause symptoms, is treated by removing the stones or the organ that contains them (eg gall bladder) by a small surgical procedure, or by breaking them (lithotripsy).

To know more:

  • Biliary calculosis
  • Kidney stones and diet and kidney stones
  • Salivary calculosis
  • Tonsillary calculations