
The Vibrating Platform for Aesthetics, Beauty and Wellness

By Dr. Andrea Cristofori

Benefits with the Vibration Plate for Wellness

There are benefits, for the health and well-being of all the common people, obtainable through the use of the vibrating platform: increased metabolism and increase of the hormone somatotropic GH (adjuvants in weight loss), increase in bone mineral density, increase in tone and muscle toning, improvement of lymphatic flow and blood circulation, improvement of skin health, reduction of the degree of cellulite, reduction of Cortisol (stress hormone).

The vibrating platforms help the body in all these ways (and not only) with little traumatic impact on the joints and ligaments, and without always having the feeling of doing "the common traditional exercises" (there is also the possibility of performing over 250 different exercises, to be performed on vibrating vertical vibrating platforms).

Benefits with the Vibrating Platform for Beauty and Beauty

The vibrating platforms also offer the possibility of a massage and relaxation of the whole body. In fact, the vibrating platforms not only work all the body muscle groups, but also reduce stress by decreasing the levels of cortisol (stress hormone) and at the same time increasing the levels of serotonin (hormone of well-being and good humor).

The use of vibrating platforms helps to increase circulation and oxygenate the blood flow, with consequent reduction of toxins in the body and reduction of the unsightly signs of cellulite. It also helps the body, increasing bone mineral density, to fight osteoporosis, as well as to enhance collagen production and promote smoother, toned and elastic skin.

I recommend, always and in any case, to contact a specialist trainer (a professional Personal Trainer specialized in vibratory training who has a degree in Exercise Science and has carried out studies and specific and recognized courses in this field), who is able to process the most appropriate training program, specific and personalized, before starting the vibratory stimulation sessions.

The increase in skin and subcutaneous temperature is undoubtedly a positive effect of training on the vibrating platform (better blood circulation and cellular nourishment, as well as an activated cellular metabolism).

Among the effects reported following vibratory application, the sensation of itching (like itching), especially located in the lower areas of the lower limbs (feet, calves and thighs) or in those parts of the body closer to vibratory stimulus of the platform (therefore closer to contact with it).

These itches, which come to manifest themselves with the vibratory stress, appear almost as a form of tickling, so much so as to induce the subjects to scratch themselves, bearing witness to a strong stress and increase in local circulation (the well-colored and sprayed skin is also noted) of blood).

But surely the most important results, those related to long-lasting (chronic) effects, are those related to a clear sensation of greater lightness of all the lower limbs and to a reduction, in the female subjects, of the swelling (especially to ankle and leg level).

In all the cases mentioned above, it can be stated with certainty that the sensations reported so far have to do with the improvement of the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

If an important neuro-muscular type of activity is given as a result of vibratory training (as shown by countless scientific studies), it is extremely correct to support, as scientific researches have shown, a marked increase in blood circulation metabolic.

It can also be stated that there is a facilitation of venous blood return, given by the improvement of the function of the muscle pump.

With this hyperactivity of circulation, oxygen and various metabolic materials reach the areas involved in this process much more copiously.

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