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Manna in Herbalist: Property of Manna

Scientific name

Fraxinus ornus




Mediterranean basin

Used Parts

The drug consists of the juice (manna), obtained by incision of the bark.

Chemical constituents

  • Polysaccharides;
  • Tannins;
  • Mannitol.

Manna in Herbalist: Property of Manna

Manna is frequently used as an osmotic laxative, for short periods even in children.

Biological activity

As mentioned, laxative properties are ascribed to manna. More precisely, these properties are to be attributed to the mannite contained in it.

The laxative effect that is exercised is of the osmotic type, that is, once the mannite reaches the intestine, it recalls and retains large quantities of water, thus giving a semi-solid or liquid consistency to the intestinal contents, in addition to increasing the volume. All this stimulates the activation of the peristalsis of the intestine, therefore, the evacuation.

Manna against constipation

Thanks to the laxative action exerted by the mannite present inside the plant, the use of manna has been officially approved to counteract constipation.

For the treatment of this disorder, the usual recommended dose for adult patients is about 20-30 grams of drug per day. In children and elderly individuals, on the other hand, it is advisable to take lower doses, which can vary, indicatively, from 2 to 16 grams of drug per day.

Manna in folk medicine and in homeopathy

The laxative properties of manna have been known for a long time even by folk medicine, which uses the plant precisely to fight constipation, but not only. In fact, manna is used by traditional medicine also as a beak and expectorant remedy.

Other unapproved uses of the manna relate to its use in all those cases in which it is necessary to facilitate intestinal evacuation as much as possible, such as, for example, in the case of hemorrhoids, anal fissures or following anal surgeries and / or rectal.

As far as homeopathic medicine is concerned, however, at the moment the manna does not find significant uses in this area.

Side effects

If used correctly and at the recommended doses, manna should not cause any side effects. However, nausea and flatulence may occur in sensitive individuals.


Similarly to other laxatives, the use of manna should be carried out only for short periods of time.


Avoid taking manna in case of intestinal obstructions or established hypersensitivity to one or more components.

Pharmacological Interactions

  • the use of laxatives can reduce the absorption of drugs taken simultaneously orally.