ear health

Remedies for Ear Ringings - Tinnitus

The term "tinnitus" defines an annoying ringing in the ears in the absence of external sound sources.

Sometimes tinnitus is a temporary and totally reversible phenomenon, while on other occasions it is a recurrent, often debilitating symptom that negatively affects normal daily activities.

Tinnitus can be due to neurological disorders, infections, drug therapies, alcoholism, otological changes, atherosclerosis and hypertension.

As often happens, it is not possible to go back to the triggering cause: in such situations, the drugs used in therapy exercise their therapeutic activity simply by alleviating the buzzing, incessant, penetrating and unstoppable.

What to do

  • Avoid, as much as possible, high-intensity sound sources (high volume of music and TV, external noises such as jackhammers, gunshots, etc.).
  • Cover the perceived buzz: in a quiet environment, turning on a low volume stereo or fan can cover the annoying ringing in your ears. The patient, therefore, tends to shift attention from tinnitus to other background noises.
  • Follow meditation and relaxation courses, such as yoga and pilates: stress, in fact, negatively affects tinnitus.
  • Rest: at night it is recommended to sleep resting your head on a couple of pillows. Alternatively, lift the mattress at the point where the head rests. These simple strategies can be quite effective remedies for reducing ringing in the ears.
  • Use earplugs: this remedy is effective only for some tinnitus patients.
  • Some patients with tinnitus find relief through alternative therapies: acupuncture, cranio-sacral therapy, hypnosis.

What NOT to do

  • Take alcohol: alcohol promotes dilation of blood vessels, so more blood flows into the capillaries of the inner ear.
  • To smoke
  • Take too many loop diuretic drugs, NSAIDs and salicylates: the administration of these active ingredients can promote tinnitus.
  • Attend crowded and chaotic environments (eg discos)
  • Use the earphones with music at high volume
  • Take milk and derivatives immediately after the administration of antibiotics such as tetracyclines: dairy products can inactivate the drug. NB Antibiotics are only administered to patients with tinnitus dependent on bacterial infections.

What to eat

  • Take yoghurt with live lactic ferments or a probiotic in case of prolonged antibiotic therapy to strengthen the immune system.
  • There is no scientific evidence that relates food to the improvement of ringing in the ears in tinnitus. It is recommended to follow a healthy, balanced diet, rich in fruit, vegetables and low in fat.

What NOT to Eat

  • Abundant meals, rich in fats and complex Carbohydrates: especially during the evening meal, it is preferable to consume light and easily digestible foods to promote sleep and sleep. In fact, tinnitus hinders the quality of sleep.
  • Avoid foods rich in sugar: according to some sources, in fact, sugars can accentuate the ringing in the ears.
  • Limit the consumption of caffeinated foods such as coffee, chocolate, cocoa, tea, cola or guarana-containing drinks, etc.

Natural Cures and Remedies

  • There are few effective natural remedies for tinnitus:
    • Gingko ( Ginkgo biloba ) → anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and neuroprotective properties, the gingko extract is a discreet remedy to reduce tinnitus
    • Ballota or marrubio nero ( Ballota foetida ) → anxiolytic, sedative, relaxing properties
    • Actea racemosa ( Cimicifuga racemosa ): moderately effective remedy in the context of tinnitus. The plant is more indicated to mitigate the symptoms of menopause. More than for phytotherapeutic use, the extract of the actea is used as a remedy for tinnitus in homeopathy.

Pharmacological care

Where it is possible to trace a precise cause, the treatment must be aimed at that particular triggering factor. In all other cases (the majority), treatment is purely symptomatic.

  • Medicines for the treatment of hypertension: indicated when tinnitus depends on sudden changes in blood pressure.
  • Antibiotic drugs: indicated when tinnitus depends on bacterial infections.
  • Antidepressant drugs: tinnitus can heavily affect the quality of life of those affected, leading to depression.

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  • Periodically perform thorough ear cleaning to reduce the risk of ear wax settling, forming caps
  • Wear hearing protection in all situations where hearing damage is real (eg disco, concerts, etc.).
  • Respect the safety regulations in the workplace: wear special headphones when the noise exceeds a certain threshold (evaluated in decibels)
  • Make sure your blood pressure is within the ideal parameters: even hypertension can actually promote tinnitus

Medical treatments

  • Applying special electrical devices can correct or suppress the perceived ringing in the ears
  • When necessary, the patient suffering from ringing in the ears can use the aid of specific hearing aids, a useful remedy to mask tinnitus