woman's health

Uterus Didelfus - Causes and Symptoms

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The didelfus uterus is a congenital malformation (present from birth), characterized by the presence of two distinct uterine cavities (hemiuteri), identical to each other.

Each hemiutero communicates with the relative salpinge and is related to the ipsilateral ovary.

The didelfus uterus depends on an incomplete fusion of Müller's ducts (ie the structures from which the uterine cavity originates) during embryonic life. This anomaly can be associated with other malformations, such as renal agenesis and double cervix uterine and / or vagina.

In some cases, the bicorne uterus can cause pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia) and dysmenorrhea.

This malformation does not compromise fertility, but can complicate a pregnancy with placental abruption, premature rupture of the membranes, fetal growth retardation, breeching or transverse presentation of the child at the time of labor. Furthermore, this anomaly can induce spontaneous abortions and preterm labor. To prevent such complications, during pregnancy, circling of one or both cervical necks may be indicated.

Possible Causes * of Uterus Didelfus