
Anthropometric history

Edited by Dr. Francesca Fanolla

Clavicular and trapezoidal biotype

How many times, in the weight room, do we see the classic line of boys waiting on the flat bench?

How many boys have we seen stubbornly pushing that barbell that is increasingly loaded with discs and maybe after months, without having had a paltry half centimeter of muscle growth in the pectorals?

So many ... and often we don't even ask ourselves why, or we do it, but we are satisfied with answering "if you don't take something that will help you you will never grow ..."

Too often in gymnasiums you can see cards and training tables "photocopied" or printed in a standard way without any modifications and serenely assigned to the new customer who has never done physical activity in his life except moving his legs in the morning to go work...

This makes you smile but unfortunately it is the harsh reality that still today afflicts the world of gyms, from the small town on the outskirts to the big cities.

Antrpometry and human anatomy teach us so much about the so-called "morphological biotypes" and each subject and represented by the morphological, anatomical suit, which characterizes and distinguishes a series of articular, muscular and structural features. all of us. That's why maybe that guy for months on a bench didn't increase his load by half kilograms and didn't put on even a pound of muscle ... Evidently, that exercise, in our example, the bench presses flat, not for him, or rather, it is not the exercise most suitable for him to train the pectorals.

It will be our task to explain peacefully and clearly to the boy in question the reasons why some classic and "mythical" exercises are not advantageous to him and above all to make him understand that not being able to perform "the flat bench" like all "macho" absolutely not relegates him to the circle of "losers", as is often believed or made to believe in what I sometimes call "the jungle of the weight room" ...

It is therefore clear how important it is to know these small but fundamental "why 'reasons, without going into further details such as the presence of possible pathologies, paramorphisms and dimorphisms, even for the" newest "instructor in the process of preparing a training table.

Having made this brief introduction that, forgive me, it might appear to be somewhat polemical, I would like to talk about the two most frequent and particular "constitutional biotypes": the CLAVICULAR AND THE TRAPEZOIDAL, exposing in short the anatomical planes on which it works better or worse for conformation bone-joint, muscle groups that need more attention and the most suitable exercises for each and those that are not recommended.

The Clavicular Biotype

It is defined this way for the particular structure of the scapula-humeral belt quite accentuated and "wide" on the frontal plane, which gives it precisely, wide clavicles, flat chest and generally triceps and deltoids already well developed and toned.

It works more easily and easily on the frontal plane and needs a particular strengthening with regard to PECTORALS, DORSALS AND ABDOMINALS.

  • PECTORALS: they are worked in exercises performed in the sagittal plane, for which they are disadvantaged.


    The classic extensions on flat bench with barbell give little result because the clavicle tends to use more the muscles of the shoulders and triceps that participate in good percentage in this bi-articular exercise and that therefore represent "the strong points" of the subject, at the expense of the weak ones, that is the pectoral ones.

    However, remaining on a bi-articular exercise on bench, we could propose the DISTENSIONS ON AN INCLINED BENCH WITH BARBELL OR WITH HANDLEBARS, more advantageous exercise because, given the inclined position of the bench, it allows a better mobility and bachelor-humeral excursion retro placing the shoulders and elbows.

  • DORSALS: exercises dedicated to these muscles are performed on both floors,

    On the frontal plane the Clavicle can work better, so it is the case of the exercises for the BACK, like LAT MACHINE.

    While on the sagittal plane, a great exercise is the PULLEY AT 45 ° (instead of the rower with a barbell).

  • BICIPITES: in the clavicular biotype they are generally lacking compared to the triceps,

    the best exercise is THE CURL ON PANCA SCOTT (with dumbbells or barbell), the only "basic exercise for the biceps" that, unlike the Curl standing with barbell or cable curl during which, often, they are noticed compensating movements (cheating) that affect the shoulder, calling into question the stronger muscle, the deltoid, at the expense of the biceps.

The Trapezoidal Biotype

Viewed from the front, it generally has a very pronounced trapezoid compared to the deltoids, giving it the classic "sloping" shape. Structurally the clavicles are rather short and this subject very easily develops with the training above all the PECTORALS, THE BICYCLES AND THE TRAPEZIUS.

He can work very well with exercises that develop movement in the sagittal plane and encounter difficulties instead in those working on the frontal plane. The muscle groups to which therefore pay particular attention are: DELTOIDS, DORSALS, TRICEPS.

  • DORSALS: has excellent results with exercises such as ROWING and PULLE, which act precisely on the sagittal plane more comfortable to him from the point of view of the joint.

    In exercises that develop on the frontal plane, such as the LAT MACHINE (both with a wide grip pronate and with a tight grip supine) we recommend a slightly wider grip, to obviate the scapulo-humeral scarcity typical of this biotype.

  • DELTOIDES: They are among the muscles that the trapezoid develops most difficultly, acting on the "discomforting" frontal plane.

    Some tricks for the following exercises:

    • SIDE MOUNTS: pay attention to remain always on the frontal plane, keeping the hands pronate
    • SHOULDER BREASTED WITH A WIDE ROCKER BALANCE instead of TIRES AT THE NARROW SOCKET, as these would act on the already strong trapeze.
    • TO NATURALLY AVOID THE SLOW BEHIND (and the LAT MACHINE BEHIND), no longer in use due to the potential damage that, in the long term, would cause the shoulder joint, forcing it during the execution of the movement, to a physiologically unnatural retropulsion, therefore harmful .