physiology of training

Anaerobic alactacid metabolism

What is the ALAttacido anaerobic metabolism?

The anaerobic metabolism of ALAttacido is a method of energy production, typical of muscle tissue, which does not involve the use of oxygen and does NOT produce lactic acid; it uses the creatine phosphate substrate (CP) and is able to work fully for only a few seconds. It is a metabolic system typical of very short-term efforts that does NOT include the waste of acid molecules.

What is the purpose of the ALAttacido anaerobic metabolism?

The ALAttacido anaerobic metabolism is a method of energy production useful only in the muscular contraction typical of the performances of FORZA, whether it is pure strength (maximal), explosive force (power), fast force and elastic force.

NB . In the resistant force, the ALAttacido anaerobic metabolism plays a marginal role with respect to the anaerobic lactate metabolism.

Mechanism of the ALAttacido anaerobic system

It is now established that the energy present in the form of ATP (adenosine tri phosphate) in the muscles is insufficient for intense muscular work and that the ADP (phosphorus adenosine that must be recharged at ATP) requires the reconstitution of a phosphate group for its operation (ADP + P = ATP); to do this, muscle fiber can exploit three mechanisms:

  • the anaerobic metabolism of ALAttacido which exploits phosphocreatine
  • the anaerobic lactate metabolism that exploits anaerobic glycolysis (glucose cleavage) with the production of lactic acid
  • aerobic metabolism that uses the oxidation of carbon chains in the presence of oxygen.

The anaerobic metabolism of ALAttacido, also called via the phosphocreatine, develops as follows:

ADP + CP = ATP + C Lohmann reaction

However, despite being an extremely simple, rapid and effective mechanism, the anaerobic metabolism of ALAttacido has a limit: the amount of phosphocreatine muscle stocks. They are sufficient to load ATP only for a hundred muscle twitches, then for about 8-10 seconds (with the necessary subjective differences), and an extension of the activity requires the intervention of one or both other metabolisms.

In which sport the anaerobic metabolism of ALAttacido is involved and how it is trained

The ALAttacido anaerobic system is a mechanism of energy production typical of sports that provide for maximum energy supply in a fairly short time; this is the case with weight lifting and contractions of elastic and explosive force: running on 100 meters or obstacles, jumps (up and down), throws (weight, javelin, hammer and disc) etc.

The ALAttacido anaerobic metabolism must be trained through two distinct but complementary methods:

  • Exercise of muscular activity
  • Transformation of the general ability obtained in the specific athletic gesture

From the theoretical and methodological point of view, the metabolic pathway of phosphocreatine can be trained above all by means of force development tables. If we want to separate the general muscular preparation from the specific one, the use of overloads plays a fundamental role in the initial phase of the year, while approaching the competition period it is essential that the results obtained in the development of strength are transformed into the specific athletic gesture.

Ultimately, the ALAttacido anaerobic metabolism can significantly improve thanks to the development of strength; the latter, thanks to the training stimulus (which will be approximately around 10 seconds - max 8 repetitions in the use of weights) determines an exhaustion of the muscular stocks of CP which, due to the principle of supercompensation, should be completely restored and, even slightly, greater.

Improve the ALAttacido anaerobic metabolism with food and supplements?

The substrate of the anaerobic metabolism of ALAttacido is creatine phosphate, also called guanidinacetato. From the chemical point of view CREATINE is an amino acid that can be introduced with the diet because it is present in meat and fish, but it is also easily synthesizable by the body (liver, kidney and pancreas) starting from arginine, methionine and glycine.

The phosphocreatine present in skeletal muscle represents 60% of the total, while that in free form 40%. NB . The non-enzymatic degradation of creatine creates creatinine, a compound filtered by the kidneys and excreted in the urine.

From the integrative point of view, the intake of creatine can take on a useful or useless role based on the predisposition of the subject. It has been shown that 30% of the athletes who supplement with creatine do NOT improve the efficacy of the ALAttacido anaerobic metabolism as it does not absorb it and / or does not metabolize it correctly; therefore integration can be absolutely useless.

Taking for granted that the athlete does not fall within that 30%, to be effective, creatine supplementation must take place correctly and optimally; first of all it is advisable to use already buffered products or to associate alkalizing agents with simple creatine in order to favor its integrity in the gastric passage and intestinal absorption. Secondly, it would be appropriate to associate a high glycemic index carbohydrate source to create an insulin peak useful for metabolizing circulating creatine; the most correct method involves the intake of 20g of glucose per gram of creatine to be taken in separate moments: first the carbohydrates (in order to create the right anabolic environment) and after 30 minutes the buffered creatine.